Random Thread Reloaded
category: residue [glöplog]

"So my mom's got this great recipe for braised pig ears right..."

God's not available right now, so I got you Godzilla instead... ;)
Thanx Korg - maybe he can eat the 2 of them to help save having a child born from its grandmothers womb inside its mother.

hey, ringo that did you smoke today?

hey, ringo what did you smoke today?
Nothing yet cb, all I smoke is tobacco & I only smoke when I'm drinking (I smoke about a pack of 25 in a week) - which since I've just got in from work I am about to commence now. So in answer to your question - I shall have a cigarette shortly.
In case you're wondering, I often embed a linky in my pics to give some contextual info - mouseover.

you should quit. you don't smoke much so it's not that hard i guess. i mean you're old and not so fit… that just raises the heart attack risk!
We all have to have a vice cros, it's just about enjoying that vice moderately so you benefit rather than get killed by it - all work & no play makes Jack a dull motherfucker.

Stolen from b3ta's QOTW.

haha, he want's to search engine it! pervert!

Orace: Looks like an J to me. Could be a F as well, though! :D
See: Venus

kkk? whats'up S? Or is it SS? Nah, can't be...