Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
What rifle did this cunt use to nail that squirrel ? A .303 Enfield ?
A good airgun would've done the job FFS!
Harism, you're definetly one of those fuckers rp was bitching about in the recent thread !
A good airgun would've done the job FFS!
Harism, you're definetly one of those fuckers rp was bitching about in the recent thread !

I see no thread death here harisim. Oh and... for showing such a nasty pic then suggesting the thread was to follow suit -

It's your round motherfucker.

It's your round motherfucker.

random ustasha thread

Wow, that woman on the right has two heads!

allahu ekber


talking about squirrels..

nemisis: *lol*
Totally forgot about the Janitor and his weird hobby! XD

bite the nipples off and drink her blood.