
Revision 2012

category: parties [glöplog]
that's funny.. i lived for 4 years just 2 streets away (fenner str) from that camping place and never realized that it exists. :D
added on the 2012-01-04 13:14:33 by v3nom v3nom
v3nom: i just googled it myself :)
added on the 2012-01-04 13:18:37 by D.Fox D.Fox
Rasmus/wysiwtf: Good luck camping at Outline this year ;-)
added on the 2012-01-04 13:51:10 by Punqtured Punqtured
You still can if you're a bit of a MAN! It's only october! (remember we had a heatwave last october and it was 27 degrees!)
added on the 2012-01-04 14:14:00 by okkie okkie
next to that you can always find a drunk Finn to keep you warm!
added on the 2012-01-04 14:23:43 by el mal el mal
Maali: True - I usually just pick up the one who decided to sleep on top of the tent anyways :-p
added on the 2012-01-04 15:22:17 by Punqtured Punqtured
Shaders shade, "fscan warnings abound" and Xzibit keeps making fun of my data struct(ures).
If anyone asks why it took me so much time to cobble together this shyte, the official answer is that I've been busy as an autocratic dictator in a small South-American country.
But since the day after Christmas, I've been hacking continuously and reached a couple of goal posts. An 90 additional days should be enough to add scenegraphs and some effects.(hope you're not tired of height map voxels) .

added on the 2012-01-04 19:32:38 by Deus Deus
( re winter camping, it's all about the wool. and the snotrocket compo. : D )
added on the 2012-01-06 20:45:43 by rudi rudi
In the news they said, the governement of Saare does not exist anymore. Will this be a problem for revision? Have there already been talks with politicians in preparation for the not so unlikely case they'll establish a pro french regime under their junta? Will visa-free traveling still be possible?
Visa-free travelling is ok of you have a Master card!
added on the 2012-01-08 00:49:04 by D.Fox D.Fox
13 signups for the bus reached - almost half the amount we need. Keep 'em coming!
added on the 2012-01-08 22:48:31 by Puryx Puryx
added on the 2012-01-08 23:15:36 by booster booster
Bloody easter-travel train fare nightmare .. NEXT YEAR I should fly to Denmark, then join your bus and travel to Saarbrücken - and it woud probably still be faster and easier than by german train, ugh!! :0
added on the 2012-01-09 02:12:10 by SunSpire SunSpire
Madenmann: If nothing else works out, expect Osterpartei Organizers to take over Saarbrücken!
added on the 2012-01-09 03:15:00 by T$ T$
Excpect a große demo vor dem rathaus!
Just coming from there - no angry mob in sight.
added on the 2012-01-09 13:27:55 by D.Fox D.Fox
Ok, so I tried to look this up and am somewhat stymied . . .
Is there any rule about how much alcohol you can bring into Deutschland with you from outside the Eurozone? From Canada into the US you're limited to a certain number of liters, for example (see http://canadaonline.about.com/od/customs/a/alcoholvisitor.htm)

But I can't find this info for Germany . . . and was planning to bring a variety of items in my checked suitcase. : D I tried looking around http://www.bzst.de/DE/Home/home_node.html using the terms "Freigrenzen" and "Zollfrei" to no avail (my German is still very beginner, however). And this page (http://www.toytowngermany.com/lofi/index.php/t115782.html) was unhelpful, as it was in currency amounts . . . but maybe there aren't such strict alcohol controls . . .

(sigh. life outside the eurozone.)

Anyone know where to find this info? Specifically saying this on the BBS in the vanishingly unlikely case someone else might have the same question and thus be helped.
Oh, I did Google it, trust me. I just used the wrong search terms, apparently. thanks!

19 danes ready for the bustrip! - who else will be in? :)
added on the 2012-01-09 18:47:22 by Puryx Puryx
Metoikos : I'll take any amount of Arrogant Bastard you can bring with you.
added on the 2012-01-09 19:15:38 by franky-- franky--
I was planning on Canadian items, sorry franky--.

Anyway, I'll start worrying about that again closer to the date, just occurred to me . . . . in the meantime I ought to be banging my head against Schism tracker or similar. I must, I must, I must produce *something*
btw, for those who don't know, and have a long waiting time at Frankfurt MAIN Airport for the (I assume planned) Airport Shuttle bus, there is HOOTERS at the Airport!!! WhoopTidooo!!! :P

BB Image

So I suggest all sceners having to wait, meet up there for Hot Drinks,Hot Wings....and what was that last hot thing again they have at HOOTERS?? ;)
added on the 2012-01-13 18:24:38 by tFt tFt
