Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
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harism: WOW! where is that bridge ?
I don't know harism, the toothpaste picture smells like some sort of viral marketing to me. I wouldn't be surprised if the strip originates from colgate or something.
Also arcane, "love cave between my legs?" Who the fuck says that?
Also arcane, "love cave between my legs?" Who the fuck says that?
The toothpaste pictures remind me of "this is spartaaaa!!" LOL
Usually i post funny/idiot/nonsense jpgs, but sometimes is time to honour the gods
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Skinny Puppy
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Skinny Puppy
i'd call that a win personally. (not so much if youre one of the women i guess)
The placement of the label is understandable.
the toothpaste thing isn't a viral marketting thing
i was there on 4chan when it was made, OP posted them pic by pic and asked for what we wanted and such.
i was there on 4chan when it was made, OP posted them pic by pic and asked for what we wanted and such.