What is your favorite old game ?
category: general [glöplog]
So, do you like to play some good old games ? What's your favorite ?
Doom III -- same old, same old.
monkey island is bad all day !!
doom2 modded map01 serial cable - best game ever :)
and mrboom, too
and mrboom, too
arcade volleyball
pong: deathmatch
Cool... Me ? You know, prehistorik 2 :)
mens erger je niet
havoc :D
i opt 'ninja2' that i played on my 80x86 pc in 1989... running around in those buildings was damn scary!
i opt 'ninja2' that i played on my 80x86 pc in 1989... running around in those buildings was damn scary!
"elite" on my 48k zx spectrum
master blaster!
donkey kong on a CPC 6128 of course :-P
don't know really why but i like Fire & Ice (Amiga)... :)
r-type, duke nukem, day of the tentacle,alladin
micro machines, x-com
The oldest game I spent a lot of nights on was Fruity Frank on amstrad.
Flight simulator 4 on a 4 MHz XT with a CGA monitor...
raaaahh, I'm browsing an Amstrad games archive and download all the games I played ~15years ago
There was Renegade, R-Type, Cauldron, Sabre Wulf ...
There was Renegade, R-Type, Cauldron, Sabre Wulf ...
usually all those adventures. too bad that genre died, it was the only one that ment fun to me.
so my alltime favourite is monkey island I
others I like: indiana jones fate of atlantis, zak mc cracken, simon the sorcerer I, and some more.
so my alltime favourite is monkey island I
others I like: indiana jones fate of atlantis, zak mc cracken, simon the sorcerer I, and some more.
chukie egg ofcourse

anything under 1 MB :)
The "Doom" and "Wing Commander" series! and of course the all mighty Wolf3D!

and then there's a real old x-men game, from 89-91 as well. the gameplay is alike the elmstreet one.