Random numbers in asm
category: general [glöplog]
I have no idea about the subject and I need to produce some. Tell me various algorithms, especially suitable for tiny intros.
mov eax,seed
add eax,472189741832
mul eax,4178461726419
mov seed,eax
add eax,472189741832
mul eax,4178461726419
mov seed,eax
rol.l d0,d0
addq.l #5,d0
addq.l #5,d0
exclusive-or your seed with 69069.
this doesn't really produce _good_ random numbers in terms of true randomness (which doesn't exist in computed numbers anyway). but it gives you 2^16 different random looking words after 2^16 calls!
this doesn't really produce _good_ random numbers in terms of true randomness (which doesn't exist in computed numbers anyway). but it gives you 2^16 different random looking words after 2^16 calls!
or read chapter 3 in The Art of Computer Programming.
in al, 40h
from the #amycoders website:
who cares about true randomness except from people who have never been laid anyway?