German porn for the connaisseur
category: residue [glöplog]
Hey, I just found this movie. What do you think?
Devil women / Chastity sucks
...starring - apparently - Samantha Fox (is that true?)!
Anyway, it's really funnnn you should check it out, they fuck all the time and there is a lot of dialog!!
Devil women / Chastity sucks
...starring - apparently - Samantha Fox (is that true?)!
Anyway, it's really funnnn you should check it out, they fuck all the time and there is a lot of dialog!!
Keep your filth with youself.
Instead of devilling around you should think!!
Instead of devilling around you should think!!
What? Deviling around? You're confusing something. Anyway, you're the filth guy. Look at all your filthy stories!
But I stopped them. So now you stop watching porn, ok?
Also, shut up and get naked :]

you stopped them? really? why would you do that?
It's not good.
Well it's porn alright...
Hey come on dudes. Lighten up. It's a fun thread just to up the ante a little. Porn is a part of the demoscene after all, isn't it.
crosbow: I still don't get what changed your mind. It sounds like someone came to you and trashed your writing. Someone who thinks it is somehow wrong to express your fantasies. Is that what happened?
I'm not trying to push you in any way. I'm just curious to find out what happened. Because, seriously, I liked what you wrote. Your style is funny and unique and everyone may think whatever they think about that.
But the fact that you just went out there and wrote that: That is just great and it's also brave because you are putting your heart out there.
So yeah. That's what I wanted to express. And I'm still curious to what made you think negatively about all of it - for which there is not a reason in my opinion.
crosbow: I still don't get what changed your mind. It sounds like someone came to you and trashed your writing. Someone who thinks it is somehow wrong to express your fantasies. Is that what happened?
I'm not trying to push you in any way. I'm just curious to find out what happened. Because, seriously, I liked what you wrote. Your style is funny and unique and everyone may think whatever they think about that.
But the fact that you just went out there and wrote that: That is just great and it's also brave because you are putting your heart out there.
So yeah. That's what I wanted to express. And I'm still curious to what made you think negatively about all of it - for which there is not a reason in my opinion.