Political Compass
category: offtopic [glöplog]
You're a slightly off-center Librarian. XD
Done it couple of times but for curiosity did again

I was in the same square as serpent now when I last did it :o
powly: you are elite!
There are almost no politicians who are in the same square as me.
sensitive private political affiliation on teh public intranets. hmm, scary stuff
button: Why do you associate German with Nazi? Germany is a democratic country these days.
Adok: The things you wrote about africans in Hugi was fascist.
Mystra: wasnt that written by Unseen and removed very quickly ?
i dont associate Germany with Nazism, i associate you with it. :P
Magic: I don't remember, honestly. But it was published in Hugi, and Adok is the main editor of Hugi.
(I am personally involved in humanitarian projects in rural Uganda, and have visited these projects twice in the last four years. So I reacted _very_ strongly on what was written in Hugi #35.)
(I am personally involved in humanitarian projects in rural Uganda, and have visited these projects twice in the last four years. So I reacted _very_ strongly on what was written in Hugi #35.)
Mystra: that's very nice that you are involved in such projects!
Adok: button didn't say sth about it... i think he is mostly concerned about sb who is expressing in public their political ideas...
sensitive private political affiliation on teh public intranets. hmm, scary stuff
Why do you associate German with Nazi? Germany is a democratic country these days.
Adok: button didn't say sth about it... i think he is mostly concerned about sb who is expressing in public their political ideas...
Nazis are still around, unfortunately. But they will be killed.
Defiance: It was a reply to button's comment "i dont think teaching kids how to plan paths to Nazi world domination is good. " at http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=56471. I did not want to reply to it there, because that is a page about a production and not about politics, so I replied here.
button: A Nazi is somebody who does not like Jews. You will never find a quote from me that goes into this direction.
A lesson in terminology:
Somebody who thinks that his own nation is better than some other one is called a nationalist.
Somebody who thinks that his own "race" is better than some other one is called a racist.
A fascist is somebody who adheres to the ideology of fascism. That comprises that he wants an authoritarian government.
Mystra: My philosophy with Hugi was that it should be a platform for people to express their ideas, that's why I neither censored Unseen's racist article nor e.g. the pro-communist article in Hugi #15 ("The Politics of the Scene") or the gynophobic article in Hugi #23 ("The Curse of Feminism"). All the three articles expressed "politically incorrect" views, which is why I added a remark to each of them saying that they reflect only the opinions of their authors and not of the staff. I have never censored any article in Hugi before Magic asked me to remove Unseen's article from Hugi #35 because of the massive discontent of the readers. If I had known that Unseen's article was only supposed to be an act of sabotage with the aim to do harm to the reputation of Hugi, I would not have accepted it.
button: A Nazi is somebody who does not like Jews. You will never find a quote from me that goes into this direction.
A lesson in terminology:
Somebody who thinks that his own nation is better than some other one is called a nationalist.
Somebody who thinks that his own "race" is better than some other one is called a racist.
A fascist is somebody who adheres to the ideology of fascism. That comprises that he wants an authoritarian government.
Mystra: My philosophy with Hugi was that it should be a platform for people to express their ideas, that's why I neither censored Unseen's racist article nor e.g. the pro-communist article in Hugi #15 ("The Politics of the Scene") or the gynophobic article in Hugi #23 ("The Curse of Feminism"). All the three articles expressed "politically incorrect" views, which is why I added a remark to each of them saying that they reflect only the opinions of their authors and not of the staff. I have never censored any article in Hugi before Magic asked me to remove Unseen's article from Hugi #35 because of the massive discontent of the readers. If I had known that Unseen's article was only supposed to be an act of sabotage with the aim to do harm to the reputation of Hugi, I would not have accepted it.
A Nazi is somebody who does not like Jews.
I always thought that was an Arab.
Somebody who thinks that his own nation is better than some other one is called a nationalist.
I must be a nationalist because I think Canada is better than Zimbabwe.

adok's real result:

Maali: Come on - I realize you are a creative guy who likes to draw; how about creating a title picture for Hugi? You can do it!
open door!
Maali : make it animate!