
Read this for a good laugh.

category: residue [glöplog]
LINK Ah, the unintentional humor of newbies.
so, what's the joke? i didn't care to read more than just the initial posting - which to me was a very fair question for a new user.
Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that he didn't ask this on Pouet.net. He wouldn't have survived.
added on the 2010-08-11 09:59:27 by trc_wm trc_wm
Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that he didn't ask this on Pouet.net. He wouldn't have survived.

Well said trc_wm, having experienced a lot of "fuck-you" attitude first-hand in the bbs (don't worry I've got rhino skin) isn't this a indictment of what's wrong with some attitudes prevalent within this forum? Sometimes even makes 4chan look slightly mature.
*waits patiently for lots of "fuck off" type responses*

added on the 2010-08-11 10:29:49 by ringofyre ringofyre
A well-placed "fuck off" is sometimes useful, usually in response to statements that boil down to "my dad will beat the crap out of your dad", or "my dick is bigger than yours" and the often seen "my programming language is better than your programming language".

I agree, the conversational skills of some users can be improved; including mine, occasionally.
added on the 2010-08-11 11:12:49 by trc_wm trc_wm
please note that c++ is superior to java.
My comment was in no way meant as a criticism trc_wm & I hope wasn't take as such. rasmus makes a good point - until he/she mentions c++. ;-P
Maybe OP needs to remember that we all had to learn to go to the toilet at 1 point or another, regardless of how accomplished at it we may have become! Everyone starts somewhere and the more help you have the better you can get.
added on the 2010-08-11 14:37:49 by ringofyre ringofyre
the problem is that some people learn to go to the toilet while standing on their head. In friendlier terms, you're doin it rong!
added on the 2010-08-11 15:50:23 by shuffle2 shuffle2
