
help me with my dissertation on diskmags!

category: general [glöplog]
sages of scene history help me out.

anyone have any sources confirming the first diskmag/ezine ever?

Also I would be interested in finding diskmags that were on specially formatted disks/with copy protection/hidden articles in code etc

cheers in advance

d0us ;)
added on the 2009-08-07 17:35:33 by d0usted d0usted
so which university accepts dissertations about diskmags?
added on the 2009-08-07 18:06:05 by vibrator vibrator
University College London, MA Archives

diessertations on preservation issues in archiving ezines and blogs
added on the 2009-08-07 18:15:36 by d0usted d0usted
UCL eh, get your a$$ to the next ukscene pubmeet!
added on the 2009-08-07 18:33:25 by keito keito
When it comes to the (c64) scene:
Sex'n'Crime was the first computer scene magazine (also known as scene mags or disk mags) to be published on floppy disc

And in paper form:
A study of the evolution of magazines in scene town
ILLEGAL, edited by Jeff Smart, was the first magazine.

added on the 2009-08-07 19:01:06 by hollowman hollowman
cheers guys...

yeh in London...I've seen posts about uk pubmeets!! love to some time!

was going to head down to Sundown this year but workload pretty heavy in sp :(
added on the 2009-08-07 19:26:57 by d0usted d0usted
do cassette based magazines count?
added on the 2009-08-07 20:37:49 by havoc havoc
confirmation on one of the first released diskmags:


(execute them and see inside if they mention the release date as suggested on pouet :)
added on the 2009-08-08 07:07:38 by magic magic

Plenty of mags on there and the Grapevine stuff had hidden articles

Also, have a look at Visual Intensity #3 that I had a little bit to do with :)
added on the 2009-08-08 08:10:59 by Gmitts Gmitts
cheers for the links guys...

added on the 2009-08-11 20:43:55 by d0usted d0usted
This thread might interest you by the way: http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=6686
added on the 2009-08-11 20:48:06 by keops keops
