Legends and mysteries in the history of the scene
category: general [glöplog]
Perhaps some of you already know that I am working on a book about the history of the scene, titled 'Freax'. Under 'scene' I mean all platforms, Amiga, C-64, PC, Atari, Amstrad, whatever. You can read about this project at http://www.freax.hu.
The history of the scene is full of enigmas, mysteries and mystic legends. For example, there's a gossip that Bannasoft, the main coder of Melon Dezign, was actually also the main cracker of Crystal. Not many know that Second Reality had a never released sequel. Sometimes it's also a funny story how some groups got their names. And so on...
Do you know such mysteries, which are not commonplace? Have you heard something about someone, a group or a product, that has never been confirmed, but neither proven false? Do you know some behind-the-scenes story? If you do, even if it's a complete story, or just a suspicion, please share it here.
My goal is to find some clues to start searching for interesting stories that are not widely known.
The history of the scene is full of enigmas, mysteries and mystic legends. For example, there's a gossip that Bannasoft, the main coder of Melon Dezign, was actually also the main cracker of Crystal. Not many know that Second Reality had a never released sequel. Sometimes it's also a funny story how some groups got their names. And so on...
Do you know such mysteries, which are not commonplace? Have you heard something about someone, a group or a product, that has never been confirmed, but neither proven false? Do you know some behind-the-scenes story? If you do, even if it's a complete story, or just a suspicion, please share it here.
My goal is to find some clues to start searching for interesting stories that are not widely known.
worldcharts2 by FC is quite a mistery... also their never released demo called "Probe" which was intended for ASM95 iirc...
What do you think was the sequel to SR? ;)
Always thought it was Final Reality by Remedy Entertainment. Isn't it?
It is said that Dr. Skull/Virtual Dreams (Absolute Inebriation, Fullmoon, Love, Psy) was able to make a living out of demo-making. Don't know if it's true.
At least he offered his demo-sources for sale (some hundred dollars) which leads me to the rumour that Rebels' Switchback has been built from Skulls sources. Grey told me it ain't and I tend to believe him but then again there is even a demo about this "case" called Secret Members (released at Nexus 95), coded by some other well known Mainzelmännchens.
Skull disappeared from the scene soon after. Some say he went to Japan but he probably still receives montly paycheques from Rebels ;) --- joke!
At least he offered his demo-sources for sale (some hundred dollars) which leads me to the rumour that Rebels' Switchback has been built from Skulls sources. Grey told me it ain't and I tend to believe him but then again there is even a demo about this "case" called Secret Members (released at Nexus 95), coded by some other well known Mainzelmännchens.
Skull disappeared from the scene soon after. Some say he went to Japan but he probably still receives montly paycheques from Rebels ;) --- joke!
Skull was not the only one selling demo sources, but if he was really able to live on that - well, that'd be indeed unique.
Final Reality was not the sequel to Second Reality, or not in a sense I mean. FC planned a demo for the Assembly '94, but never finished it.
Final Reality was not the sequel to Second Reality, or not in a sense I mean. FC planned a demo for the Assembly '94, but never finished it.
According to some of his "trusted friends", Shagratt/LSD, coder of Jesus on E's and the Nuke/Mini Nuke virus killer on the Amiga was responsible for coding the Saddam virus. I think the original idea was to sell Nuke via PD for a cut of the profits (like they did with Grapevine and other releases), but in the end it just got him a lot of exposure.
Actually you could probably write several chapters on LSD alone (crime, backstabbing, profit, ripping etc etc), but it would be best to get in touch with an ex- member for the full facts.
Actually you could probably write several chapters on LSD alone (crime, backstabbing, profit, ripping etc etc), but it would be best to get in touch with an ex- member for the full facts.
If I dare. ;)
this is what i want to read more about in your book,
tomcat :D
tomcat :D
Yeah, couldn't you just write a whole book about LSD instead? :D
I heard that the members of Elitegroup didn't die in a plane crash after ms2001. Intelligence reports that they've been entering the wool market...

ack, how about an "edit own messages" function btw?
ok, "edit own messages" would have saved this joke from becoming retarded. *grmpf*

ps analogue: your forced linebreak messed up the url to the image.

ps analogue: your forced linebreak messed up the url to the image.
ok. i give up.

Yeah, rumours about sceners selling their sources was very common back then. I think I have read some rumors about a PC coder selling source codes to another coder, and one famous demo beeing actually not his own code. Was it psi to rick dangerous or someone else? I don't really remember, it's very old, and wrong fragments might come in my memory spreading false gossips, but don't hear me. Perhaps someone might remember for sure..
I actually have sold some c source for some beginners who wanted to start coding demos on ms-dos and using watcom c compiler.
If i remember right it was in year 1995 or 1996 when i sold 2d bumpmapping routine, 2d texture mapped tunnel effect + some other lame effects and routines including for example pcx loader for about 300 fin marks (that's about 50 euros). =)
If i remember right it was in year 1995 or 1996 when i sold 2d bumpmapping routine, 2d texture mapped tunnel effect + some other lame effects and routines including for example pcx loader for about 300 fin marks (that's about 50 euros). =)
In 1996 the Dutch gabberhooligans from Trepaan released a 64k called 'Chop!' in which they 'trepanized' windows. (when booting windows after running the intro it would only say 'Windows has been trepanated')
What they did was generating a new win.com and rename the old one to something like 'j4ce32.dll' .the way to solve this was running 'CHOP TREPAAN RULEERT ' and the original win.com would be put back.
The way to prevent this is running 'chop /lenz' and nothing happens
Not really a legend or a mystery but it gave us quite some attention at that time :) (even the F-Prott virus scanner recognized chop.exe as a 'trojan horse' :))
What they did was generating a new win.com and rename the old one to something like 'j4ce32.dll' .the way to solve this was running 'CHOP TREPAAN RULEERT ' and the original win.com would be put back.
The way to prevent this is running 'chop /lenz' and nothing happens
Not really a legend or a mystery but it gave us quite some attention at that time :) (even the F-Prott virus scanner recognized chop.exe as a 'trojan horse' :))
farbrausch buys their code on ebay
stefan gets his source from charity shops and a random number generator. =-)
I was working with some farbrausch guys (Chaos and others) and was getting mad through this time->drugs etc.. Then I burned a gas station and got into the mental hospital for two times... Yeah that's life.. But on the other hand it was a nice drug time + the party 1997(?) in denmark where I was completely overstoned.. And tried to kill me there because I liked it(the Demos) a lot.. That's life and that's true..
Oh yes. at that time we were "FEB" and worked on "Killer Loop".
Another story would be "Broken Promisses", even older sceners might remember "World of Wodka", two demos that were proudly announced but never finished.
Another story would be "Broken Promisses", even older sceners might remember "World of Wodka", two demos that were proudly announced but never finished.
wasn't world of wodka also what slayer's bbs was called? (hence the namesake for the "upcoming" demo)
And don't forget "No More Lies", the long awaited slideshow from Facet which even entered the charts despite never being made. :)