Best scenery from games
category: general [glöplog]
What is the best scenery you remember from games you have played? Everything from epic drawings in adventure games to awesome intro videos etc. (I must admit that i'm a bit inspired by the games done right-thread, but here i'm just interested in things that look awesome, the quality of the game doesn't matter)
(I'm looking for inspiration, i guess)
(I'm looking for inspiration, i guess)
I have no screenshots, but at the time I was really impressed from the (first) PlayStation. Graphics that are considered "lame" and "so 1995" today were the high end of that time, and always left me speechless.
I'm speaking mostly about scenery-heavy games such as racers that shown "detailed" trees and fences.
I'm speaking mostly about scenery-heavy games such as racers that shown "detailed" trees and fences.
the intro of the original settlers was funny. so was the intro for superfrog.

I'm amazed by Half-Life2 and all of its episodes.
TES4: stepping out of the sewers. at night. on my video card at the time.
TES3: Any one of the wizard towers.
and the frozen jungle in Crysis.
TES3: Any one of the wizard towers.
and the frozen jungle in Crysis.


Quest for Glory V (Pegasus)

Sin Episodes: Emergence

</Sin Episodes: Emergence>

Doom 3

Quest for glory 4

Ultima VIII
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Coming out of the sewers and seeing the landscape for the first time is probably the most awesome effect ever in games. Following couple hours I spent just by walking around in the forest and getting higher up to the hills to look far to the horizon and wondering the insane view distance. And then the night came and I saw the coolest night sky... Too bad pictures don't do it justice. You have to see it yourself :)
Coming out of the sewers and seeing the landscape for the first time is probably the most awesome effect ever in games. Following couple hours I spent just by walking around in the forest and getting higher up to the hills to look far to the horizon and wondering the insane view distance. And then the night came and I saw the coolest night sky... Too bad pictures don't do it justice. You have to see it yourself :)
pommak: explain how a picture of... A VIDEOGAME... can't do it justice? :)
Is it like nature3.0 > nature2.0
Is it like nature3.0 > nature2.0
Back in the days I loved the intro of Musha Aleste
The game wasn't half-bad either. Too bad I sold it...
The game wasn't half-bad either. Too bad I sold it...
The intro video in Diablo II (and basically every Blizzard game actually, but that one specially) was jawdropping when I first saw it.
i think best epic intro that touched my feelings so far and did find better than it imo
Final Fantasy X intro
Final Fantasy X intro
there are so many FPS games who made my eyes pleased by some gorgeous emerging sceneries, Pommak is so right about Oblivion, but the sceneries which struck me first were the ones in DUNE made by the now dead french studio Cryo...

btw HeXen: Scorpion isn't released yet, is it ? only one year late :>
@Zest: damn yeah. Dune is still an amazing game to me.
knl: there's a difference seeing a screenshot (or video) than to control it yourself. Just try it and you'll see what i mean.
I was bitchin', Oblivion has been one of my most memorable game experience ever and I'm really glad it has been released just when I was unemployed!
True. TES 4 - Oblivion was cool and so is Fallout 3. Seen some memorably sight in those games.
The castle scene in Unreal 1, and Unreal 1 in general, especially the first levels with the waterfalls.
And this would be the scene

Lands of Lore

Sim City 4
Two games I loved to crawl into, thanks to their top visuals at the time of their release.