Commodore in financial trouble again
category: general [glöplog]
sorry its dutch.. I noticed it since I am dutch ..
sad article..
only if company's who commodore still has to pay wil
say you dont have to pay eveything than commodore can be saved..
commodore has 36 million euro depth at the moment..
Tulip still has to get 20 million from Commodore for selling the brand 'commodore'
commodore produkts arnt sold very good..
I hope they manage to have a re-start though!!
good luck commodore!
sorry its dutch.. I noticed it since I am dutch ..
sad article..
only if company's who commodore still has to pay wil
say you dont have to pay eveything than commodore can be saved..
commodore has 36 million euro depth at the moment..
Tulip still has to get 20 million from Commodore for selling the brand 'commodore'
commodore produkts arnt sold very good..
I hope they manage to have a re-start though!!
good luck commodore!
another cursed name
And why would you want Commodore to be saved?
for old times.. amiga and the c64 i used for about 15 years ;-)
Man... really hope it'll work, and Commodore will make a brand new comeback, stronger than ever. Fuck with the peecees!! Want good old Amiga days back!
^ Amiga is best, fuck the rest! ^
^ Amiga is best, fuck the rest! ^
But they are not going to come to your place and take your Commodore machines away ;-)
Also, I've been driving FIAT cars for 15y, but I wouldn't mind switching to Jaguar...
Also, I've been driving FIAT cars for 15y, but I wouldn't mind switching to Jaguar...

Ofcourse not. or they'd get their head filled with lead ;-)
But it'd just be so nice to see a new Amiga era begin... <3
But it'd just be so nice to see a new Amiga era begin... <3
I love commodore computers, but i really don't give a toss if this particular incarnation of the commodore brand go bust any more than i guess Atari guys give a shit about infrogrammes...
And why would you want Commodore to be saved?
Because they hand out prizes that make me feel important

sad article..
only if company's who commodore still has to pay wil
say you dont have to pay eveything than commodore can be saved..
commodore has 36 million euro depth at the moment..
Tulip still has to get 20 million from Commodore for selling the brand 'commodore'
commodore produkts arnt sold very good..
What's more pathetic? Magic or Commodore?
last night I had a dream about a new A5000. And it sucked. Even the A1200 back then sucked (atari falcon was a much better machine for example..) the only good thing about the 1200 was its cheap price..
Let Commodore R.i.P. ..we got other good/cheap stuff today.
I really hope the Pandora guys keep their promises btw, that one would make an awesome demo platform (cheap and great hardware).
Let Commodore R.i.P. ..we got other good/cheap stuff today.
I really hope the Pandora guys keep their promises btw, that one would make an awesome demo platform (cheap and great hardware).
could someone finally clear up the connection between the aforementioned Commodore and Commodore Gaming? 'cos there doesn't seem to be one apart from the name.
Dont know if this clears it up that much but..
Commodore claims its daily operations are not affected by the legal battle. Its branding company has no personnel. Other activities, such as gaming PCs, are run from different companies
dixan: Please do. It would be nice see more prods on Jaguar

The idea was silly, i mean, just another alienware type pc, installed Vice.
Teh legacy continue!!
Yeah, i wasnt much impressed when i saw it at cebit.
Teh legacy continue!!
Yeah, i wasnt much impressed when i saw it at cebit.
It wasn't the 'real' commodore anyway.. they bought the name.. and fucked it up for the third time! Long live the low-expectation outsourcing management-heavy engineering/technology-phobic get-rich-quick Dutch lameasses.
bullshit, they just cashcowed on a dying horse :) omg, two farmcreatures in one sentence!
hmm, bull, cow and horse, that's 3 maali :-)
argh.. maybe im fit for the commodore management as well :D
again in dutch:
the financial toubles seem to be over at the moment.
A court destroyed the claim from some companys which commodore owned money. There was already an agreement with them
and it was a mistake?
Anyway I hope the brand commodore will continue to rise
(though no more computers are being made anymore..)
the financial toubles seem to be over at the moment.
A court destroyed the claim from some companys which commodore owned money. There was already an agreement with them
and it was a mistake?
Anyway I hope the brand commodore will continue to rise
(though no more computers are being made anymore..)
does it mean they continue to sell commodore branded cdr? hurray! commodore iz not deeeeed! tru 1337!
@ bp this year i saw some guy wearing 'i luv c=' tshirt... how can you love company which killed amiga and then itself ... it is like kurt cobain following or sthg?
What's more pathetic? Magic or Commodore?
I was asking myself that very same question.