Anonymous: HTF?
category: general [glöplog]
From that report it seems this so called hacker group is just a product of the world's famous fear culture.
The report makes me think of this:
Ninja girl is afraid of the hackers! BUT SHE'S A NINJA!!!
From that report it seems this so called hacker group is just a product of the world's famous fear culture.
The report makes me think of this:
Ninja girl is afraid of the hackers! BUT SHE'S A NINJA!!!
Here's what wikipedia has to say about it:
Anonymous, a popular reference to the internet subculture and users of 4chan's Random imageboard (Also known as /b/)
Hah, one of the funniest videos I've seen in a while :-)
When they show the truck blowing up to try and instill fear into the viewer, it honestly is pure comedy gold.
When they show the truck blowing up to try and instill fear into the viewer, it honestly is pure comedy gold.
Oh. I see who they are. They're us.
And them.
LOL means Lots of Lol.
They could just as well be talking about pouet, in all honesty.
But we have a great front ;)
when the receiver downloads the attachment, the electrical current and molecular structure of the central processing unit is altered, causing it to blast apart like a large hand grenade.
I would add "gimme your money if you wanna be safe (<mybankaccount>)" in red color, print it all in Arial 1200px and put it in a wall next to the elevator, that's may be the way to stop working finally....
weekly world news <3
Hahaha :D Thats older than the internets :P but still good.
And since its fox news...i guess those kinda reports are what you expect.
And that fotball stadiums threat is quite fun since its sucha obvious red alert 2 joke :P
And since its fox news...i guess those kinda reports are what you expect.
And that fotball stadiums threat is quite fun since its sucha obvious red alert 2 joke :P
the electrical current and molecular structure of the central processing unit is altered
this has so much possybilities!
We are taking down Pouet.....once we've finished destroying Scientology and the free masons.