What do you use for shaving?
category: general [glöplog]
I use a Gillete Mach 3, and I hate shaving. I'm thinking in investing in a machine. Is it worth it?
Well... Hu-hum... *ashamed* I've never shaved with a razor. I've only been using a machine. I think you'll love using a machine. No more cuts, no more precisionwork etc. It'll be like coding in ruby instead of asm.

Seriously, you guys should stop wasting your fucking idiot time asking random fucked up questions about random bullshits.
Just fucking get over that shit and make something useful instead of polluting us here everydays with your daily bullshit.
Just fucking get over that shit and make something useful instead of polluting us here everydays with your daily bullshit.
irokos: your cracktros have been so useful to me, thanks.
irokos: 1) What do you think should be discussed in the BBS? 2) What was discussed in BBS'es 20 years ago? Also random bullshit?
Oh no! I swear that when I finish with the army, I'll take 3 months to shave myself!
A comb !

At home: Gillette Mach 3
At my parents' place: Gillette Fusion Power
At my parents' summer cabin: Gillette Mach 3 Turbo
That's my distributed collection of razors that I use to shave, obviously the plain old Mach 3 gets the most use.
At my parents' place: Gillette Fusion Power
At my parents' summer cabin: Gillette Mach 3 Turbo
That's my distributed collection of razors that I use to shave, obviously the plain old Mach 3 gets the most use.
gilette fusion power \o/
woohoo! more oldschool than 1911!
also, don't buy a machine, unless you dig stubble. and, considering you're portuguese (and not jeenio), you probably don't.
woohoo! more oldschool than 1911!
also, don't buy a machine, unless you dig stubble. and, considering you're portuguese (and not jeenio), you probably don't.
real men dont shave.
try growing a MOUSTACHE!
Keep the Mach 3, it's more thorough => quicker => less time spent on something you don't enjoy.
Mach 3 is really faster but I sometimes miss the ease of cleaning in Sensor Excel.
And machines don't shave, they crop.
And machines don't shave, they crop.
an electric dry razor to do a quick & dirty shave, and a gillette blabla razor to do a long & clean shave.
"real men dont shave" please oh please teach that to women, kids and work world :)
"real men dont shave" please oh please teach that to women, kids and work world :)
No more cuts
If your sink looks like this then you're not doing it right:

I use bees

xer: and this was worth a topic in pouet? -_-
anes : and your two cracktros were the same for me, so thank you.
what ps said.
what ps said.
irokos: so should xernobyl make cracktros instead of making 'useless' discussions? what makes it useless anyway? do you always call something bullshit if it doesn't enter your sphere of interest?

anes : i'm all open about any kind of discussion, believe me. It's just that ps started to kick random trolls for starting topics like that, i'm just trying to save your ass.
disposable razors. my shaving frequency, once a week, it's not worth the money for any other system. plus, i'm so handsome with a week's growth of beard...
I use a razor for shaving and It the best and fast way I have found for shaving... Gillete style machines needs to be cleaned very often while shaving.. and electrical devices need to much care too..
steel razor shaving time: 1.30 minutes
steel razor shaving time: 1.30 minutes