RIP Psychad
category: general [glöplog]

It's been 9 months now...
ingen brydde sig om honom
och ingen älskade honom.
ingen fanns där för honom,
ingen som höll om honom
när det var kallt
och ingen som han kunde hålla om.
så han hoppade.
först efteråt visade sig alla de vänner
som han kunde behövt,
de visste inte om
hur illa han mådde.
därför att han sa det aldrig.
nobody cared about him
and nobody loved him
nobody was there for him
nobody to hold him in their arms
when it was cold
and nobdy he could hold in his arms
so he jumped
the friends he could've needed
did not show their support until it was too late
they didn't know
how bad he felt inside
because he never told them
Stop those fake RIP threads, they are tasteless and cruel.
now all i have to see is a RIP kitten thread.
what graga said
what graga said
what graga said
Pouet has jumped the shark
what graga said
people who make fake RIP threads should be brutally ass-raped and then left for dead.
what gargaj said
gargaj didn't say anything, yet.
what nosfe said
what dubmood said
what everyone said.
how disappointing
what noone said
Why did psychad deserve this thread? Xernobyl had it coming.
Why psychad deserved it? Maybe you didn't understand (Maybe you didn't click the link) but the page is in his own page archive. Click here to see the other page designs he has used.
And also cocks.
I had it coming? Why? Why does anyone want to kill me? :|
what anyone saying those threads smell like shit said.