Awesome synthesizers
category: general [glöplog]
maybe the time for me to present you the MIGHTY mellotron from the 70's:
This nasty synthesizers is well known for its strange sound and was used by early prog rock bands such as king crimson, moody blues, pink floyd sometimes ...
I couldn't figure how these sounds could be generated, so I had a look at wikipedia:

Well, as stupid as it seems, each keys were connected to a different * TAPE * where a sound, like a continuous violon playing the same note for 8 seconds were sampled. Yes, I mean one tape * BY * Key, and if you maintain it for more than 8 seconds the sound stops. Problem:
how do they manage to rewind each tape ? Thisq is what happen when you press a mellotron key:

the tape goes forward because the key push it on a wheel. OUtstanding idea: when the key is released, a * compression spring * pull the tape back !!! R0xxor !
Well, USA has Moog, England has... Mellotron !
This nasty synthesizers is well known for its strange sound and was used by early prog rock bands such as king crimson, moody blues, pink floyd sometimes ...
I couldn't figure how these sounds could be generated, so I had a look at wikipedia:

Well, as stupid as it seems, each keys were connected to a different * TAPE * where a sound, like a continuous violon playing the same note for 8 seconds were sampled. Yes, I mean one tape * BY * Key, and if you maintain it for more than 8 seconds the sound stops. Problem:
how do they manage to rewind each tape ? Thisq is what happen when you press a mellotron key:

the tape goes forward because the key push it on a wheel. OUtstanding idea: when the key is released, a * compression spring * pull the tape back !!! R0xxor !
Well, USA has Moog, England has... Mellotron !
Analog mechanical devices ftw! \o/
The modern one

yeah, that was too predictable.
but don't say i'm not right on this one.
no, you're completely on the subject. The sid was clearly a revolution. MOS invented digital sounds.
well mellotron is more a sampler than a synth (still sounds great and unique though). Also, clavinet.
So, staying true to the awesome synth topic:

also, theremin!

So, staying true to the awesome synth topic:

also, theremin!

my babies:

Why didn't they just use an infinite looping tape for the Mellotron?
Why didn't they just use an infinite looping tape for the Mellotron?
Because that solution seems too easy.
m1cro: To get every note played to start from the same sample position.
nooucch: Yes, that Mellotron thing is in every way a sampler and in no way a synth.
krabob: Isn't the SID more of an analog synth?
nooucch: Yes, that Mellotron thing is in every way a sampler and in no way a synth.
krabob: Isn't the SID more of an analog synth?
This is like buzz + awesome
This is like buzz + awesome
evil: give me your babies. now.
evil, don't. shifter puts them in the soup.