Which is the best prod you've ever done?
category: general [glöplog]
for me, it's fr-08. if you would have asked me two years ago i would have said "elysium". "secret members" was my "most fun to do" demo.
for me, it's my brand new 22 inch high-low cattle prod. high setting for large, stubborn animals - low setting for small, docile animals. flexible shaft is 22" in length. economical - uses four type C batteries. the handle is permanently sealed - can't be damaged by dirt or moisture. packaged one per peggable card. one year limited warranty on driver motor.

Hmm,. that's a very interesting question but I don't think I am the appropriate to answer, since I haven't released anything good yet :(
Anyways, the prods I enjoyed the most doing must be Into the Fight (Well sometimes not really enjoyed since I was anxious to finish it, but it was a big work for me (Look at all these huge texts in the noter ;)) and Deedlines sax which was coded much easier, more free and without anxiety, in comparison with the first..
And also my first 256b assembly intro [img=http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=5029]Kefrens256[/img] which got some nice feedback..
My next serious production is my 1st CPC demo, where I just started coding again for ReAct2003 probably, and I am enjoying the hard work for me the newbie, it's the first time I have not just to do effects in assembly but to try to connect it like a trackmo. This is harder because I have to organise, I started making also some specific subroutines for paletes, vram line addresses precalculating, sine generating, unrolled loops generating, etc.. so that it's more organized and smaller code to have many effects and connect them in a trackmo style. I enjoy coding the hard thing now and learning and I hope I will finish it till March-April when ReAct2003 will take place. I guess this will be my best and most enjoyfull work I ever did then. But why am I talking about the future???
Anyways, the prods I enjoyed the most doing must be Into the Fight (Well sometimes not really enjoyed since I was anxious to finish it, but it was a big work for me (Look at all these huge texts in the noter ;)) and Deedlines sax which was coded much easier, more free and without anxiety, in comparison with the first..
And also my first 256b assembly intro [img=http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=5029]Kefrens256[/img] which got some nice feedback..
My next serious production is my 1st CPC demo, where I just started coding again for ReAct2003 probably, and I am enjoying the hard work for me the newbie, it's the first time I have not just to do effects in assembly but to try to connect it like a trackmo. This is harder because I have to organise, I started making also some specific subroutines for paletes, vram line addresses precalculating, sine generating, unrolled loops generating, etc.. so that it's more organized and smaller code to have many effects and connect them in a trackmo style. I enjoy coding the hard thing now and learning and I hope I will finish it till March-April when ReAct2003 will take place. I guess this will be my best and most enjoyfull work I ever did then. But why am I talking about the future???
Kefrens256 anyways..
a piece of database driven travelagency back/front-office software
I also enjoyed doing my first pixel painted graphics ever and writting articles for Ovation 5, probably my first demoscene production ever!
Ok, ok,.. you asked about the best, one and only, and I wrote about various ;P
Ok, ok,.. you asked about the best, one and only, and I wrote about various ;P
i guess that was sortof my point :)
this is hard. nearly all of them have something i like.
possibly tgr1.
possibly tgr1.
fr013:flybye so far, but i´m working hard to change this....
Salmiakki / tpolm
I suck, and my music (and all the productions featuring it) suck too.
I guess in all stuff I did so far, there is something I like. And definitely also something I hate. :)
(no f*cking house advertising links here though. Find out yourself, If you care...)
(no f*cking house advertising links here though. Find out yourself, If you care...)
Thrust - Ottifanten
I personally like 'A touch of sadness', but erm, I think I'm about the only one.. :)
I decided to pick just one from the four I claimed and this one is Deedlines sax. This is my best till now..
okay okay ;) since fr-07 wouldn't even fit the wild category i can honestly say that fr-019 was my personal highlight yet.
the best prod i've done is fr018, the best prod to which i have contributed was fr013
tinnitus , beats all fr shitprod like hell
Well, I'd say our first 'official' scene-production from nowadys is surely MY best prod for the moment...
Talking about: Demos Of A New Decade -2001 of course! ;-)
This was my personal official start of a pretty huge future project which will launch and release of course lots more prods for the whole scene and all sceners !!
So just be patient...and you'll (finally) see! ;-)
Talking about: Demos Of A New Decade -2001 of course! ;-)
This was my personal official start of a pretty huge future project which will launch and release of course lots more prods for the whole scene and all sceners !!
So just be patient...and you'll (finally) see! ;-)
a cake i made together with my brother ; )