
Coup de cour groups

category: general [glöplog]
I sympathize when smaller/not so famous/newcomer groups do the good kicks.

My coup de cour groups: (Nice and promising)

Northern Dragons

and more..

what's your coup de cour groups? (Not so famous, small, nice and promising)
added on the 2007-01-14 22:50:46 by Optimus Optimus
Brainstorm newcomers?

Visit Okkie's shop please :)
added on the 2007-01-14 22:51:53 by keops keops
Ok, I see it's an old group I know (not all coup de cour have to be newcomers), but it was new in my brain and just came to the PC after a long inactivity.
added on the 2007-01-14 22:53:07 by Optimus Optimus
next empire as coup de coeur please!
added on the 2007-01-14 23:02:38 by el mal el mal
maali: you so stupid!!!! they're dead, doesn't count. i pick future crew!!!
added on the 2007-01-14 23:10:28 by psenough psenough
added on the 2007-01-14 23:13:27 by Preacher Preacher
message from the clue shoppe: racers is label of another group for releasing "not so quality" prods...
I'd pick Elmu then...
added on the 2007-01-14 23:14:55 by FooLman FooLman
I kinda like these newbies who call themselves Fairlight.
added on the 2007-01-14 23:20:48 by teel teel
what, these 'newbies' can't look at the 'top downloads' thing and figure out for themselves? They need to be led about?

Or, we just want them to think like us?

Cuz, me, I'm for them thinking for themselves, even if they tell me that Amiga sucks because it's not Windows, and mac faggotry is gay, and ipods are killing the scene. Cuz differing opinions rule.

(Especially those that agree with my differing opinions.)
ps: dead? now YOU're stupid :)
added on the 2007-01-15 00:16:28 by el mal el mal
and it's DEATH btw anyway...
added on the 2007-01-15 00:16:42 by el mal el mal
it is coup de coeur not cour
added on the 2007-01-15 00:40:28 by EviL EviL
My list would include:
Digital Devotion
Northern Dragons
Stockholm Syndrome (are they dead? Are their members still around in another group(s)?)

As for really old groups:
Holocaust (Atari ST)

That's all I can think of.
added on the 2007-01-15 05:27:15 by crusader crusader
moppi (hope they're not dead)
kewlers (okay dead but still)
matt current
fairlight (sektion new direktion)+(c-64 sektion)
added on the 2007-01-15 08:27:43 by uns3en_ uns3en_
I sympathize when smaller/not so famous/newcomer groups do the good kicks.

fuck that. i really love group i listed. especially moppi. their stuff is fucking good
added on the 2007-01-15 08:28:51 by uns3en_ uns3en_
added on the 2007-01-15 08:30:18 by _-_-__ _-_-__
kakiarts (who totally got their shit together over the last two years or so)
orion (dead-ish, though)

oh and i really hope to see more from vovoid soon. fat bucketload of potential there.
added on the 2007-01-15 09:56:22 by skrebbel skrebbel
oh and ym rockerz of course :)
added on the 2007-01-15 09:57:03 by skrebbel skrebbel

added on the 2007-01-15 13:26:41 by bartman bartman
Speckdrumm! (the famous and miserable german goths!)
added on the 2007-01-15 15:59:47 by keops keops
I think you have forgotten about Deus ex Machina
added on the 2007-01-15 16:04:22 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
