Wow! Video Games soon to become part of the British school curriculum?
category: general [glöplog]
In the Austrian newspaper "Die Presse", I found an article according to which a survey by the British education ministry has led to the conclusion that making video games such as Tomb Raider, Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario part of the curriculum would be a good idea in order to boost pupils' "thinking and problem solving" skills. (
This is quite a contradiction to earlier (Japanese) surveys according to which video games may be bad for the cognitive development (I wrote an article about this back in 2002). On the other hand, I played a lot of video games during my elementary school years myself, and I was a very good student - maybe my success at school was partly due to these games since thanks to video games, I've had a lot of fun and enjoyed life, and so I didn't lose motivation to study!
Apparently it took my generation to grow up to an age at which some of us can enter government institutions to acknowledge the value of video games.
(I first posted this to my LJ, but I thought it would also fit in here)
This is quite a contradiction to earlier (Japanese) surveys according to which video games may be bad for the cognitive development (I wrote an article about this back in 2002). On the other hand, I played a lot of video games during my elementary school years myself, and I was a very good student - maybe my success at school was partly due to these games since thanks to video games, I've had a lot of fun and enjoyed life, and so I didn't lose motivation to study!
Apparently it took my generation to grow up to an age at which some of us can enter government institutions to acknowledge the value of video games.
(I first posted this to my LJ, but I thought it would also fit in here)
funny, i just read this on slashdot:
"In the latest round of the ongoing debate on the effect of video games and TV on academics, a new study in Pediatrics says that any amount of gaming is too much if if happens on a school night.'"
"In the latest round of the ongoing debate on the effect of video games and TV on academics, a new study in Pediatrics says that any amount of gaming is too much if if happens on a school night.'"
we just have to point them at adok as an example of what'll happen to the kids, and they'll soon ditch the whole idea.
Smash: Yeah, you've got a point here.
I've had a lot of fun and enjoyed life
wow, that's SO not the kind of persona you're exhibiting these days :)
Yeah. When I entered the demoscene, I got fucked up.
you should've taken the blue pill
Well, I've noticed that my playing of first person shooters has increased my skills at................well shooting......go figure.
Really? In my case, it primarily increased my skills at being first and at personification!
playing the sims has really improved my social skills!
I also played The Sims several years ago. Quickly I managed to climb the top of the career ladder and buy the most expensive mansion. Then I also found a partner with the plan to marry. The love value quickly climbed to the top, but when I asked the partner to marry, the partner expressed fear that life could become boring as we always hugged and kissed all the time and hardly ever did any other activities together...
Playing first person shooters had taught me only one thing: if you hear a vehicle from behind, dodge-jump quickly to the side and get out your missile launcher.
Walking through the city has become somewhat more complicated since then... but boy, those explosions rock!
Walking through the city has become somewhat more complicated since then... but boy, those explosions rock!
Playing Civilization teaches you a lot about politics. It may be a good preparation for becoming a government leader.
Q3 > Q4
Oh adok, you so fyad.. seriously.. my day gets better and better..
I've also realized that eating mushrooms makes me grow bigger and that if you upper cut bricks you can find coins inside! Who needs a 401k when the money has been in the bricks all along!!!!!

right, the big money is in bricks
I have a car like that..
I don't get it.
I have a car like that..
I don't get it.
well, cocaine is related to crack and we all know that "crack is wack". Therefore cocaine is wack and since the hundai logo is on the cocaine(crack), hundai == crack == wack. Hence, hundai is wack.
Playing isometric games had taught me that the Earth is flat.