hack video competition
category: general [glöplog]
2admins: Please add a prods type " hack video ". That it was possible to specify works of corresponding competition with chaos constructions 2006.
cordially yours, aGGreSSor
cordially yours, aGGreSSor
we dont have all kinds of compos listed on pouet just couz they existed at a demoparty. we dont have gfx or music compos for example. we only have on pouet those with audiovisual demoscene productions.
so, no go for hack video compo type. sorry. hack videos belong on youtube not pouet.
so, no go for hack video compo type. sorry. hack videos belong on youtube not pouet.
what the hell is a "hack video"?
they had a compo where you delivered a video of a found hack or something... the prods are hosted on scene.org
aha, I see.
I just downloaded a couple of 'em to see, and it didnt seem like more than video-wilds with a loose theme.
I just downloaded a couple of 'em to see, and it didnt seem like more than video-wilds with a loose theme.
I do not see a difference between "wild" type and "liveact" type, nevertheless on pouet there are both of a kind. In "hack-video competition" on CC ' 06 very rigid rules. It is competition in which people with an independent way of thinking can show that they are able in web or locally. The hack-scene is more advanced than the game-scene with which occurs merging on all demoparty except for СС and breakpoint.
It is much closer to demo-scene, than it seems. demo-scene has grown from cracktro.
It is much closer to demo-scene, than it seems. demo-scene has grown from cracktro.
wild are basically pre-rendered demos or video footage of (hopefully) scene related nonsense
liveact is specifically for a liveact performed at a demoparty. i guess scene related seminars can be included in this.
i know scene cracking roots quite well, and i dont have any personal agenda against cc or hacking.
i just feel that pouet is for audiovisuals and not cracking/hacking. you can try to persuade analogue differently if you want. im not high authority on pouet.
liveact is specifically for a liveact performed at a demoparty. i guess scene related seminars can be included in this.
i know scene cracking roots quite well, and i dont have any personal agenda against cc or hacking.
i just feel that pouet is for audiovisuals and not cracking/hacking. you can try to persuade analogue differently if you want. im not high authority on pouet.
Well I think that "exe music" should also belong in pouet ;)
I shall follow canons. I have enough your words. What for I it support the only thing - I hope, that all will change. Hack-video - the same form scene art, as well as any another. It is new blood. =)
why not trying to make demos instead?
because we have a generation of kids who can't code.
anesthetic: maybe some people prefer telecom to computer gfx?
tribao: some people like to grow vedgetables. That doesn't mean we should have a vedgetable category on pouet :-)
Ok, make that vegetable. Time to start looking for a html form spell checker plugin for Firefox :-)
sparcus: you're right, but it doesn't mean that they should "make demos instead"
those hack videos at cc06 were plain shit, so pouet audience is not missing anything anyway.
Unique shit, the empty place offending all and everyone, both on pouet.net and at other forums is bhead. If the raising of the rights with nobody up to root on BSD is shit I do not know already that then not shit... 2bhead: kill youself
I have followed to advice pouet.net. video on-line:
I have followed to advice pouet.net. video on-line:
it's not shit - it's just utterly irrelevant oh pouet. Oh, and the best thing is... the videos are in fscking russian!!! How very international of you.
Ok, so actually it was shit. Cam'ing a known exploit isn't exactly rocket science now is it? :p And no, showing off hacking at parties is not new blood...
Russian - great and mighty. We do not swear in occasion of Finnish (for example) in demo? Or when finnes try to write demo on the Soviet subjects with illiterate Russian inscriptions? =)
I think that a visual part there enough for understanding, titles in English would be not clear a greater part of ours to visitors (1500 person) therefore we did not pawn it in rules.
It is pleasant to me when judge so. For the information: Defcon nearly have not closed because of display of video similar made for Chaos Construction. Today, both partner Defcon, and partner Chaos Construction was Cisco. Therefore display has been legalized is a progress. The sanction to display and distribution has been received in all cases. If it was shit - sanctions would not be required.
I consider that we have shown materials of our participants of the most different level: from kiddies up to pen-testers. By reports after festival (excepting bhead) - hack zone on demoparty was the most active and bright party. I can give the web-links (the truth they in Russian;)
I think that a visual part there enough for understanding, titles in English would be not clear a greater part of ours to visitors (1500 person) therefore we did not pawn it in rules.
It is pleasant to me when judge so. For the information: Defcon nearly have not closed because of display of video similar made for Chaos Construction. Today, both partner Defcon, and partner Chaos Construction was Cisco. Therefore display has been legalized is a progress. The sanction to display and distribution has been received in all cases. If it was shit - sanctions would not be required.
I consider that we have shown materials of our participants of the most different level: from kiddies up to pen-testers. By reports after festival (excepting bhead) - hack zone on demoparty was the most active and bright party. I can give the web-links (the truth they in Russian;)
yes, demoscene comes from cracking and cracking is close to hacking. but I never liked hacking or hackers personaly. I know there are many talented hackers with decent coding capabilities but there is something wrong with hacking. I can't easily explain it but there is...
I think one of the reasons is scene is becoming a more creative world everyday. And I cannot see anything "creative" in finding some system bugs, backdoors etc. you hack something. so what? what do you have in hand? $5 million, prison, satisfaction?
we have demos, intros, disk mags, music collections, graphic collections etc.
I think one of the reasons is scene is becoming a more creative world everyday. And I cannot see anything "creative" in finding some system bugs, backdoors etc. you hack something. so what? what do you have in hand? $5 million, prison, satisfaction?
we have demos, intros, disk mags, music collections, graphic collections etc.
yes, demoscene comes from cracking and cracking is close to hacking. but I never liked hacking or hackers personaly. I know there are many talented hackers with decent coding capabilities but there is something wrong with hacking. I can't easily explain it but there is...
Wait, what?
I also know several coders with decent hacking capabilities ...and ...well, er... MOMIIEE!!1! :(
The earplugs they handed out at BP2006 were *not* drugs. Do not ingest them. Please.
normally i don't like pouetizing threads, but aww, what the hell..

! ! H A C K T H E P L A N E T ! !

! ! H A C K T H E P L A N E T ! !
And I cannot see anything "creative" in finding some system bugs, backdoors etc. you hack something. so what? what do you have in hand? $5 million, prison, satisfaction?
You see for hack scene only money, prison and libido? But same not problems hack scene, truly? I can remind that in Steve Jobs's garage the piracy flag hung. Even if it is a legend, all than you use now - anyhow the product hack scene. Square cannot fly. For creative attitude it is necessary to cross frameworks. Hack scene is a culture if want, other civilization.
If the organizer of festival should choose between game scene and hack scene (in addition to demo part) , it chooses the first though it is non-profitable. Therefore so develops that Chaos Construction it demo + hack + other, in difference from game + demo (on boondocks) + sport + other nonsense. It is basic my claim to European party.
we have demos, intros, disk mags, music collections, graphic collections etc.
To speak about that music or the schedule belongs demo scene is an absurd. Otherwise, listings Lazur would hang in the Hermitage near to Esher. ;) hack scene level with demo scene has the music and the to the schedule, symbolism, specializations and other. If you do not know it - means you it were not interested. On hack party, it is necessary for the hacker too most as demomakers on demoparty: to meet, exchange experience, reveal the strongest, see and communicate.
For the hacker the format realtime is closer than for democoders. Democoders shows preparation. At the hacker it in a brain and to it the independent way of thinking and actions on a situation is peculiar.
You never heard music which from the end and the beginnings would sound equally? You never saw to the schedule which would seem at once to much or not that that is drawn? You never saw texts which would be written so, what are similar on ligature though it is usual latin symbols? You look at fights of robots on Assembly, but whether you reflect whence it has gone? I can continue infinitely: hack-video here will be only one side of art.You undertake to approve that it less interestingly than demo and is not "creative"?