Modelling for n00bs
category: general [glöplog]
wow :)This is what 3ds max should look like
looks really cool
wow :)This is what 3ds max should look like
You take that back!
noouch : why should I ?
yeah, thank you bbcode for destroying my joke. :)
nytrik: because I like the interface the way it is and prefer teddy as a stand-alone modeling tool ;)
Maybe it would be nice as a nurbs plug in
and a .3ds ou .max export would be nice :) (I dream of a UVW unwarpper like this one )
teddy is like 5-6yo now, but yeah still interresting.
well it does export to .obj as far as I know...
VEry cool thing.
This may be nice for some sketch-style prototyping, but... isn't it better to take pencil and paper for that?

I am beginner.