NEVER quit the scene!!!
category: general [glöplog]
What a wonderfull world of craetions. Even the little things...
The army service is not hellish here. I mean, there must be worse army campus than this one. I am not so freaked out now. Just a bit annoyed.
But the point remains. When you are away from everything, stuck in a place like being a hostage, everything else is a paradise. A, AA and A.. . ..A was my react when I third encountered Pouet after 2 weeks offworld. It seems ironical to me now when I first said that my life sucked and the scene sucked and the scene didn't loved me and even the scene didn't liked me. I ran a demo. I imagined a demo. I saw people chatting. Pouetizations over the place.
One day I was walking for two (three) hours. Then I drank a sprite. It was SO great because I was too tired, sweating and I wanted to drink something after so much hot. Normally I would get bored of it. Now life is so amazingly great when I exit the gate of the armycamp for 1 or 2-3 days rarely.
Maybe I'll be very creative when I get back to life after a year (11 months now). But then I will think life sucks again. Hahaha!
The scene is SO great!!! LIFE is so great!!!!!!!
..till I pass through the gate.
p.s. I wanted to kiss the toilet of the netcafe. So clean, so smooth, so.. FRENCH!
What a wonderfull world of craetions. Even the little things...
The army service is not hellish here. I mean, there must be worse army campus than this one. I am not so freaked out now. Just a bit annoyed.
But the point remains. When you are away from everything, stuck in a place like being a hostage, everything else is a paradise. A, AA and A.. . ..A was my react when I third encountered Pouet after 2 weeks offworld. It seems ironical to me now when I first said that my life sucked and the scene sucked and the scene didn't loved me and even the scene didn't liked me. I ran a demo. I imagined a demo. I saw people chatting. Pouetizations over the place.
One day I was walking for two (three) hours. Then I drank a sprite. It was SO great because I was too tired, sweating and I wanted to drink something after so much hot. Normally I would get bored of it. Now life is so amazingly great when I exit the gate of the armycamp for 1 or 2-3 days rarely.
Maybe I'll be very creative when I get back to life after a year (11 months now). But then I will think life sucks again. Hahaha!
The scene is SO great!!! LIFE is so great!!!!!!!
..till I pass through the gate.
p.s. I wanted to kiss the toilet of the netcafe. So clean, so smooth, so.. FRENCH!
haha nub ;D

yay, old but good url: ;) ;)
never quit the scene. It will float back to you.
right now, he's probably sitting infront of his locker, rocking back and forth, waiting until his comrades put off the light so that he can silently start carving pouet all over his locker's door.