

category: general [glöplog]
inspired by whoever it was. i felt like we need more sceneish limericks.. hence here are a few of mine. and add some more!

There was a lad called spewk, whos gf had to puke. then she managed a big fart and they went apart. now what a terrible fluke.

There was a lad called buzzie, who was rather muzzy. whenever he drank beer, he raped a deer; straight in its tushie.

There was a lad called mike3d, who accidentally sat on a bee.. his arse got stung and there he sprung, straight into the sea!

yes, i like to start off with 'There was a lad called' .. :P
added on the 2006-01-16 15:35:53 by el mal el mal
there was a lad called maali who's mummy bought him a Harli...he rode all day and rode all night and ended up in Baali
added on the 2006-01-16 15:39:24 by elastic elastic
I wrote a bunch of these that made it into an old eurochart. So find that old eurochart and read it, and that saves me the effort of finding them and pasting them here.
added on the 2006-01-16 15:47:41 by xeron xeron
there once was a scener from kent, whose dick was so long that it bent. To save him the trouble, he folded it double, and instead of coming he went.
added on the 2006-01-16 15:57:11 by psonice psonice
There once was a coder from Lutjebroek
He was quite normal but didn't like Koek
He ate peanuts all day
So he farted away
Since then he has been Zoek
added on the 2006-01-16 19:37:36 by havoc havoc
Wtf is Spewk?
added on the 2006-01-16 19:50:17 by Optimus Optimus
There once was a scener named optimus,
he wrote essays on the internets and such
he one day got laid
without having paid
and then nobody ever saw him again online, rumour has it that he took a greyhound to the upperwest and he has been spotted in the Belgium area.
added on the 2006-01-16 20:13:06 by okkie okkie
There once was a hoff named hassel
who was having problems with his tassel
he picked up his phone, kitt drove him back home
now he's sipping rum in his castle
added on the 2006-01-16 20:16:38 by noouch noouch
bitchass motherfuckers check it yo!
added on the 2006-01-16 20:18:10 by kusma kusma
There once was a lad called okkie
who never got the rank "rookie"
but then once he did
with an amazing kick,
since then he's a mortal kombat homie.

Now, okay, I know that didn't make much sense. :) But I had to contribute, after inspiring Maali [wow, I inspired maali].
added on the 2006-01-16 20:44:59 by kelsey kelsey
There once was a scener called Maali,
who one a ticket in a compo to Bali,
but he said: I don't wanna go to that place,
because they have there no BASS!
So he was pissed, and kicked the shit out of Scali
added on the 2006-01-16 21:04:39 by sparcus sparcus
damn, one = won ofcourse :)
added on the 2006-01-16 21:05:01 by sparcus sparcus
scener limericks by mr. tickle aka xeron. eurochart 42, february 2001.
I made some limericks about the folks who hang out in #amigascne, and some about sceners I know from elsewhere. I thought they were funny so I've compiled them for EC... enjoy :D

There was an old fart called Nic0
Who could pee through an alternative hole
It made the girls laugh
When they shared his bath
Because they thought it was only a mole

There was a silly coder called shape
Who wore nothing but socks and a cape
When he went out
People would shout
Lookout for that dangling snake

There was a guy called RubberDuck
Who was regularly covered in muck
The girls said wowee
And giggled with glee
And went over to give him a....
....pat on the back =o)

There once was a man called Zack
Who had a quite uncanny knack
He would gulp down some beer
Which would squirt from his ear
And hit someone else on the back

There was a mad geezer called Reed
Who planted a funny looking seed
It grew with great averice
And turned out to be cannabis
So he was well sorted for weed

There was an idler called Ion
With muscles stronger than iron
He was having some fun
Lifting girls by their bum
When he was suddenly eaten by a lion

There was a young man called Kalms
Who spent all his days playing on farms
He ran to a sheep
With a mighty big leap
He soon had a grip on its charms

There was a fella called Sobol
Whos brain was programmed in Cobol
The date hit 2K
And sent him astray
And now he only works in Chernobol

There was a webmaster called BuZz
Who got into trouble with the fuzz
On his site called Exotica
He planted erotica
Involving himself and a hamster
named Gus

There is a chap called Melo
He can be a sarcastic fellow
He might need a slap
But he's a very nice chap
So why not go up and say, Hello?

There was a chap called Loukas
Who had terrible trouble with mucus
He did a big sneeze
And with a terrible wheeze
Accidentally he did soak us

There was a guy named Kuu
Who badly needed the loo
He ran real fast
But he just couldn't last
And now he's covered in poo

There was a guy called Adonis
Who taped a weight to his penis
He wanted a big dick
To impress a chick
But now he's unable to piss

There was a fellow called Jazz
Who was trying to take a wazz
He slipped on the floor
Bashed into the door
And pissed in the only pants
that he has

BuZz wrote the following ones for me:

There was a young geezer called Tickle
Who got himself into a pickle
He needed some cash
But was a bit rash
And sold his arse for a nickle

There was a young coder called Peter
Who connected his balls to a meter
He wanted to measure
The size of his treasure
But instead it read 0.1 litre
added on the 2006-01-16 21:05:41 by reed reed
hahaha, excellent. And I don't mind being a 'Mortal Kombat Homie' :)

now one for Kelsey then

There once was a lad called Kelsey
Who Clintoned this chick called Chelsea,
He stuck it in her bum,
which made her cum,
God my limerick skills are shit.
added on the 2006-01-16 22:16:25 by okkie okkie
a coder once moved overseas
to make loads of money with ease
but to his regrets
he missed the baguettes
so much he mistook jell-o for cheese
added on the 2006-01-16 22:16:44 by skrebbel skrebbel
thanks for finding that :)
added on the 2006-01-16 22:51:46 by xeron xeron
lol, okkie. :D
please, don't let my girlfriend read this :DD
added on the 2006-01-17 01:23:30 by kelsey kelsey
oh, I just realised, did you watch porn while writing that? :P
added on the 2006-01-17 01:24:59 by kelsey kelsey
there was a young coder from france
who was called keops, quite by chance
his nick beginning with k
clearly made him quite gay
and a Next Empire member in advance

there was a young scener called lator
who believed that he was much greater
he would argue and flame
generally being a pain
and quite clearly a mass debator

added on the 2006-01-17 12:21:53 by defbase defbase
once there was a thread about limericks
that was thrown together by mentally sicks
please make it a wrap
as i can't stand this crap
and don't be dicks
added on the 2006-01-17 12:35:19 by zoom zoom
zoom was this grumpy old git
who's sense of humour was shit
he told us to cease
and leave him in peace
but we do not care one bit
added on the 2006-01-17 12:44:52 by xeron xeron
touché :)
added on the 2006-01-17 12:58:40 by zoom zoom
there once was a thing called the scene
whose members were knowingly keen
but this very time
they started to rhyme
and my face went instantly green

Sorry guys, but you suck. apart from psionice aka "m4d n4tiv3 speax0r" everyone fucked up the rhythm. Improve. Thanks.
added on the 2006-01-17 13:28:49 by kb_ kb_
actually, most of mine are in correct rhythm (although not all). I'm a m4d n4tiv3 speax0r too, you know.
added on the 2006-01-17 13:30:56 by xeron xeron
there once was a scener named kb
who drank fifteen gallons of gravy
his stomach was soon
the size of the moon
which exploded all over a baby.
added on the 2006-01-17 13:35:17 by xeron xeron
