VIP4 Launcher
category: offtopic [glöplog]
this is the Launcher used for the VIP4 for the Compo presentations. It's not a demo nor a wild, nor a invtro so that's why i made a new post here.
And it's Geforce3 Minimun enjoy

And it's Geforce3 Minimun enjoy

i learn BBS code here a better link :
best piece of code seen at the vip4 btw ;)
(sauf bien sur la berlina et les lobster)
best piece of code seen at the vip4 btw ;)
(sauf bien sur la berlina et les lobster)
mais quel connard :)
(nan, sinon ouai c'est super joli :)
(nan, sinon ouai c'est super joli :)
Okay i hope this link is correct or type it in your browser it's not so expensive in fact and..... and fuck !
Oue ben n empeche qu avec Vox, on s est dit pdt toute la VIP que cte launcher aurait pu gagner =))))
bj U2 =)
bj U2 =) harder better faster stronger
looks like yours average sdk example ripoff ;)
looks like it's not working on my GF2GTS T_T
ok ok I know I read the damn readme ^^;
ok ok I know I read the damn readme ^^;
plek : hum yes your right i rip ( it's a sort of second nature for me ) the fucking microsoft cubemaps, because i don't have the possibility to make such of complex photography by myself... but if you know someone who can made such a things i will happy that you advise me.
some people just can't take a little remark now can they :)
doesn't run on radeon8500. :)
plek : soumet toi ou bois sera ma reponse !
ryg : hum it's strange because i don't know why it doesn't work on ATI. i only use standard DX stuff... perhaps it's a driver problem, yes perhaps... :)
ryg : hum it's strange because i don't know why it doesn't work on ATI. i only use standard DX stuff... perhaps it's a driver problem, yes perhaps... :)
bon sang de bonsoir
placing witty remarks in your native language is weak ;)
placing witty remarks in your native language is weak ;)
the almighty farbrausch debug snatcher aka the automated blackmail tool says:
Now if either D3D or your system said what format was requested, it would actually be helpful :)
Direct3D8: (ERROR) :Invalid format specified for texture
Direct3D8: (ERROR) :Failure trying to create a texture
<U3D4> Can't Create the Texture !
First-Chance Exception 80000003 at 00426AA5
First-Chance Exception c0000005 at 00419EEC
Now if either D3D or your system said what format was requested, it would actually be helpful :)
d3d debugger should let the debugger go in and init the device manually.. and fix all formats manually acctually.. then we could run stuff like this and those crap intros from razor .. ;-)
lol, ryg.
good thing u2, it's very nice, and should have won the competition :)
just a little remark : why does the lower left corner with the compo text, have an effectless rectangle around him ? Don't tell me it's fixed pipeline mistake ;)
good thing u2, it's very nice, and should have won the competition :)
just a little remark : why does the lower left corner with the compo text, have an effectless rectangle around him ? Don't tell me it's fixed pipeline mistake ;)
ryg : i think i will send you a version with full Debug infos :))) send me an email and i will help you.
Sanx : hum it's not a bug it's normal, because 2D stuff iin this case ( and the occlude map ) are used to occlude the Blurring effect. As i use a fucking big image for compo text that why was see his border. Yes i can fix it with an alpha value in this texture but i was too lazy ( i finish to code it at party place, and i forgot this things when i release it ).
Sanx : hum it's not a bug it's normal, because 2D stuff iin this case ( and the occlude map ) are used to occlude the Blurring effect. As i use a fucking big image for compo text that why was see his border. Yes i can fix it with an alpha value in this texture but i was too lazy ( i finish to code it at party place, and i forgot this things when i release it ).
Huhuhuhu, lazy guy :)
The Oric demo was also finished at party place, but we take time to add the finish touches :p
But yep, among all the PC demos, that cube launcher was the most impressive one :)
The Oric demo was also finished at party place, but we take time to add the finish touches :p
But yep, among all the PC demos, that cube launcher was the most impressive one :)
sympa ton avi u2 :)
something better to rip, so we at least do not have to see more ms cubemaps in the future :)
also it's in H ! D ! R ! I ! :P
something better to rip, so we at least do not have to see more ms cubemaps in the future :)
also it's in H ! D ! R ! I ! :P
u2 : as you use the pixel shaders, you simply use the color components as the alpha thing and maybe a constant as the color.
If it is a FP stuff, do the same with simple texture stage states, and use TFactor or such as the color.
But ok, it would be nothing with alpha-featured bitmaps :)
If it is a FP stuff, do the same with simple texture stage states, and use TFactor or such as the color.
But ok, it would be nothing with alpha-featured bitmaps :)
shiva: don't rip -- use scene material :