
wikipedia deletions because we are not in... Freax

category: general [glöplog]
The article for ASD on wikipedia is being deleted because...

"I wasn't able to find significant coverage of the subject in reliable sources and what's linked in the article doesn't establish notability. Surprisingly, there isn't significant coverage of the group in Freax: The Brief History of the Demoscene, Volume 1 (2005) by Tamás Polgár [hu]; "Andromeda" is mentioned 25 times, but in reference to the Norwegian demo group, not the Greek group that is the subject of the article. "

added on the 2024-09-16 17:22:19 by Navis Navis
do you even want to be on wikipedia?
added on the 2024-09-16 17:40:40 by havoc havoc
Wikipedia anti-demoscene pedantry on their quest for notability is reknown for decades now.

Love how winning Assembly multiple times is not enough to claim notability unless there is a book published about it. :D

Maybe now there are ways to get specialist database websites accepted / recognized as notable source references the same way they trust a few other online sources but good luck fighting those windmills.
added on the 2024-09-16 17:42:04 by psenough psenough
Considering how trivial it is to self-publish a book these days, maybe we could do a dump of all known scene groups and demoparties, call it "A not so brief, slightly more complete history of the demoscene - fuck wikipedia (revision 1)" and just put it out to link as reference, proof that things really do exist, because a published book says so.
added on the 2024-09-16 17:50:45 by psenough psenough
And in totally unrelated news, Demoscenes's tomb in Athens has started emitting strong gamma rays late this afternoon. Scientists think the philosopher's body is now spinning so fast in his grave that he's approaching the speed of light, hence initiating measurable frame-dragging and, worryingly, a blackhole singularity.

We'll keep you posted as the situation evolves...
added on the 2024-09-16 17:54:27 by TomS4wy3R TomS4wy3R
Someone actually attempting to use Freax as some kind of reference material, ohhh boy
added on the 2024-09-16 18:08:40 by break break
Fuck Wikipedia
added on the 2024-09-16 18:28:43 by SiR SiR
come to think of it, there used to be more demogroups that don't make the cut any more - for example Conspiracy (the link points to the "demoscene" generic article). Conspiracy were also absent from Freaxx vol 1.

Urgently waiting for vol 2 !
added on the 2024-09-16 18:51:17 by Navis Navis
Maybe someone knows a journalist who can write a one-paragraph article on Hicksville Times about it and then it'll be notable.
added on the 2024-09-16 18:53:58 by Preacher Preacher
Haha meaning all the possible legendary future supergroups in all the possible quantumcat universe branches are doomed to wiki irrelevancy because their notability does not propagate back thru time, so they were not featured in a holy book written in 2005, before time forking. And this book is Freax.
added on the 2024-09-16 19:09:57 by 4gentE 4gentE
Wikipedia did the same for SSF emulator at the time when it was the only Sega Saturn emulator with good compatibility, but they keep pages for some of the most outdated and discontinued emulators. Their admins are just ignoramuses who have zero comprehension about the topics they moderate.
added on the 2024-09-16 20:04:22 by dex46... dex46...
It seems I need to track down a religious conspiracy theory book, which claimed Einstein and Hitler were part of Illuminati, which used Necronomicon in their rites. Should be credible enough source, since it’s a book.
added on the 2024-09-16 20:37:55 by sauli sauli
that stupid freax book did more harm than good to the scene with its badly curated and unchecked contents
... divine justice for "stealing" the name from the great amiga group Andromeda.
added on the 2024-09-16 20:40:43 by Navis Navis
Wikipedia's rules have seemed to be rather understandable from a general perspective. A requirement to have proper sources sets some limits that are obviously needed. Maybe we just need more documentation about the scene? Or why not happily stay underground...

I guess a fine, printed source about ASD would have been Skrolli's Assembly special issue from 2014
According to Wikipedia, the Illuminati were secular Anarchists inspired by Enlightenment.
Depending on the circumstance, we use Wikipedia to prove that crackintros predated demoscene. Of course we can eat our cookie and have it too, with the help from a bit cognitive dissonance. :-) Seriously I find it rather useful if cultural gatekeeping at Wikipedia is performed by ignoramuses in their respective fields. On cultural issues just take Wikipedia for what it is - mainstream consensus among the people doing the gatekeeping.
added on the 2024-09-16 20:44:53 by bifat bifat
Democene is self-documenting when it comes to tracking down notability with groups and people. There are the demos and party results and it should imo be enough for wikipedia deletionists.
added on the 2024-09-16 20:49:37 by sauli sauli
And here we go. I knew it. Bifat continues the mindless crusade trying to hijack yet another subject. Still waiting for Krill to chime in. Just stop with your see-through trumpian subterfuge tactics man. On “cracktros and demoscene” subject you (and Krill) so desperately want to “debunk” for some bizarre reason, wikipedia actually repeats what’s written in a research paper. There are at least 2 more such papers. So, we have a few research papers (feel free to discuss their quality) on one side. Plus wiki, plus Freax etc. On the other side there is nothing but your dubious opinion. Nothing. Zilch. You’ve been told, either do the research, write a paper that will correct the existing paper(s) or stop lying and pushing your opinion as something equally relevant to the research papers. That’s how the humanities work in the grown-up world, it’s not about what you (or I) think and whether you (or I) like it or not.
Back on the subject - whether demoscene should mingle with the grown-up world (UNESCO shtick included) at all and whether scene people should care about being or not being on wikipedia - I’d say: No.
added on the 2024-09-16 21:28:07 by 4gentE 4gentE
4gentE made my day. =D
added on the 2024-09-16 21:39:03 by Krill Krill
Thanks for acting on my cue @Krill. Priceless.
added on the 2024-09-16 21:42:51 by 4gentE 4gentE
People too looked at Demoscenes realtime mosaic automaton with mixed feelings. What is it good for ? Can it predict eclipses, can it run "Troy 3" ? Can it make my crops better ? Can it help us decide the fate of the city ? Can it make me earn more silver ? More gold ?

Demoscenes looked at them with immense sadness, yet he said nothing. The mosaic machine was still animating a crude starfield while playing a strange, eerie music on colored copper bars.

In that moment he felt tempted to smash it to pieces. But as he raised his hand, a Damascene pigeon landed on his arm... The philosopher instantly calmed down. And started imagining another, new, improved machine. He didn't need other people's approval. The magic existed in his head, and that was enough. Or "psenough", as they said (Gods know why ?) in those glorious times.

And thus, the Demoscene was born. ... And plasma invented at the same time.

The Sacred Pigeon Scrolls, III-D. C-64 - 500BC
added on the 2024-09-16 21:59:11 by TomS4wy3R TomS4wy3R
Demozoo is our WikiScenia.
added on the 2024-09-17 00:53:21 by gaspode gaspode
Well... Who cares? Who really cares?
added on the 2024-09-17 01:11:44 by sim sim
what sir, gaspode and sim said.
I kind of understand Wikipedia's point of view. It's hard to find a balance between allowing anyone to write a vanity page about their dog, and requiring your source to be Encyclopædia Britannica specifically.

But that also means that Wikipedia will never be a good info repository on niche interests - which, I remind you, the demoscene is - and, as has already been pointed out, we shouldn't really care.
added on the 2024-09-17 05:59:52 by jobe jobe
