
Which group has the most prods?

category: general [glöplog]
Only from curiosity: Which group has the most prods done?

Rebels has 461 prods listed here. Is there a group with more?
added on the 2022-10-11 23:08:40 by gaspode gaspode
BiTS: 133, that's disappointing, I thought it was more :D

ISO: 480
added on the 2022-10-11 23:49:03 by keops keops
On Demozoo (ignoring graphics, music and anything credited to "Scener of GroupName" rather than just "GroupName"), TRSI is the runaway winner with 913, with Fairlight, Scoopex, D-Bug and Automation (Atari) all in the mid 600s. Demozoo's more liberal counting of different versions of cracktros probably skews things a bit...
added on the 2022-10-12 00:45:53 by gasman gasman
@gasman: Interesting that TRSI has 548 less prods on pouet than on demozoo.
added on the 2022-10-12 15:24:27 by gaspode gaspode
gaspode: As gasman suggested, it's mostly because we don't usually add a cracktro here for every single game, when they're all based on the same intro template.. which I'm perfectly fine with; there's enough data pollution for all the variations of the same BBS intro with different text as it is.
added on the 2022-10-12 16:42:46 by phoenix phoenix
g0blinish managed to be rather prolific by being in the group top 10 as an individual
added on the 2022-10-12 20:16:40 by waffle waffle
i'm rooting for jumalauta! only 3 prods before they beat the pride of the amiga scene
added on the 2022-10-13 04:19:15 by havoc havoc
added on the 2022-10-13 17:45:29 by gaspode gaspode
A much more entertaining list: https://cardboard.pouet.net/alphabet.php
added on the 2022-10-13 18:02:35 by Gargaj Gargaj
i'm rooting for jumalauta! only 3 prods before they beat the pride of the amiga scene

What's that supposed to mean?
added on the 2022-10-13 19:05:23 by Foebane72 Foebane72
that baudsurfer needs to oomph his output
added on the 2022-10-13 19:16:40 by el mal el mal
A much more entertaining list: https://cardboard.pouet.net/alphabet.php

The first letter of prodnames?
added on the 2022-10-13 19:37:09 by gaspode gaspode
A much more entertaining list: https://cardboard.pouet.net/alphabet.php

One letter missing. Noted.
