
halla by moppi productions (high res version)

category: general [glöplog]
Hello everyone!

This is an experiment I made sometime ago around 2017, when I read a comment here on the bbs which went along the lines of 'what if we could see a demo released back in the early 00s on modern screen resolutions?'. At the time I was handling / sorting some demopaja stuff and the idea came right away. So experimented with some of the moppi demos that were released on the pc and found that halla was compatible with a version of the Demopaja Player which had its source code released thus it could be modified natively to support modern screen resolutions. So I modified the player, compiled it, added the necessary assets to run the demo and voila everything was running great on modern screen resolutions. Then real life happened for me and this experiment remained on my hard drive for some years until recently I decided to return to it, cleaned and sorted some stuff on the overall project, wrote a proper readme and well, here it is!

halla by moppi productions (high res version)

I have also released the modified high res player along with the source code as a package to be used with the corresponding version of moppi demopaja (071b).

demopaja player 071b high res

Hope you like it! :)
added on the 2022-02-28 13:33:28 by Defiance Defiance
Thanks for your efforts, it's an interesting project. I immediately had the idea of a FullHD capture of Halla. However, I must sadly report that I could not get the highres version of the demo to run in the native 1080p of my laptop: I run the launcher, select "1920x1080", and press Play, but I just get a black screen. Win10, Intel UHD620 graphics.
added on the 2022-03-02 16:26:36 by appas appas
Nice work! One odd thing though, I tried to run it in 1920x1080 windowed, but the resulting window was 640x360-ish. Maximizing the window did render the demo in a higher resolution though, so at least that part worked.
Thanks for the effort! It works and looks great here! Now I'm very curious to see high-res versions gerbera and ix. I will play around with it, maybe I can create these versions with the high-res player :)
added on the 2022-03-04 18:54:39 by v3nom v3nom
hmm. yet, treating a video capture of the "low res" with some AI upscaler will probably look a lot better than just enforced higher resolution with still the same low res resources (textures, overlays, etc). anyone done any experiments with this?
added on the 2022-03-04 19:31:48 by el mal el mal
Works fine here. Gerbera will do hi-res if you run it in a window and maximize it. Forced AA recommended, and you'll still get the letterboxing of course. Ix has options up to 1600x1200 in the setup, at least.
added on the 2022-03-05 16:03:37 by phoenix phoenix
I've loved hundreds of demogroups in the past and today, and disliked a few, and Moppi was one of the latter. Never liked their prods.
added on the 2022-03-05 17:32:01 by Foebane72 Foebane72
well Foebane, nobody cares
added on the 2022-03-05 23:21:51 by v3nom v3nom
Thanks anyone for taking the time to run the demo on their machine to see if it works, I really appreciate it! :) Have to admit that I ran it on 3 - 4 machines with different resolutions (worked pretty fine) but none of them natively set to 1920 x 1080. Did try it now though and yeah I got same error with the window being created but only in black and then the player throwing an error. I suspect this has to do with the drivers/opengl, who knows...? Anyone can confirm that it works on 1920 x 1080 with another setup maybe? For 4k and 8k I used the UHD standard for the resolutions so it would be nice to hear if someone tested it on said hardware and it worked ok. Unfortunately, I did experiment with all the other moppi demos with versions of the player they released over the years that included the source code with, to see if I could make highres versions of them as well but none except halla matched the player version and rendered ok without any visual errors or gimmicks (demo looking as intended). If anyone can make a highres version of the other demos I would be really glad to see it! :)
added on the 2022-03-11 21:01:26 by Defiance Defiance
Also some helpful information (for future reference) from the Wikipedia article on UHD Standard:

Two resolutions are defined as UHDTV:

UHDTV-1 is 3840 pixels wide by 2160 pixels tall (8.3 megapixels), which is four times as many pixels as the 1920 × 1080 (2.07 megapixels) of current 1080p HDTV (full HDTV).

Also known as 2160p, and 4K UHD. Although roughly similar in resolution to 4K digital cinema formats, it should not be confused with other 4K resolutions such as the 4096 × 2160 DCI 4K/Cinema 4K. The total number of pixels of RGB stripe type is 8.3 mega pixel.

UHDTV-2 is 7680 pixels wide by 4320 pixels tall (33.18 megapixels), also referred to as 4320p and 8K UHD, which is sixteen times as many pixels as current 1080p HDTV, which brings it closer to the detail level of 15/70 mm IMAX. NHK advertises the 8K UHDTV format with 22.2 surround sound as Super Hi-Vision.

Hope it helped anyone that will try anything similar in the future! :)
added on the 2022-03-12 00:12:16 by Defiance Defiance
