
Revision 2020 - April 10th to 13th

category: parties [glöplog]
The Revision 2020 registration website is now online at https://2020.revision-party.net.

Our invitation team is still hard at work and we will have something nice to show you at... some future point in time :-)

More information about our timetable, competitions, events and all the rest will follow soon. Until then let us know that you’re coming.

Welcome to Revision - welcome home ❤
added on the 2020-01-21 20:34:33 by D.Fox D.Fox
added on the 2020-01-21 20:36:26 by merry merry
Notable Glenzvision!
added on the 2020-01-21 20:43:30 by break break
next revision please
added on the 2020-01-21 20:51:32 by porocyon porocyon
Woop woop!
added on the 2020-01-21 21:39:47 by fizzer fizzer
Welcome home? Great, don't even have to travel for this year's Revision...
By the way, is it going to be again at the usual location? I ask only because the party location isn't mentioned anywhere yet...
added on the 2020-01-21 21:46:29 by fizzer fizzer
<title>Start | Revision 2020 - 10th to 13th of April - E Werk Saarbrücken</title>
added on the 2020-01-21 21:58:00 by moqui moqui
Ah yes, thankyou. *goes out to buy a new pair of glasses, and also a new pair of eyes*
added on the 2020-01-21 22:03:19 by fizzer fizzer
This will be my first Revision - can't wait.
added on the 2020-01-22 15:57:13 by Mibri Mibri
Stalk and be Stalked at
BB Image
added on the 2020-01-22 16:14:04 by tFt tFt
hotel booked! now how the hell do i get there...
added on the 2020-01-22 16:55:44 by okkie okkie
hotel booked! now how the hell do i get there...

That guy knows how to get there
added on the 2020-01-22 18:22:10 by D.Fox D.Fox
hotel booked! now how the hell do i get there...

That guy knows how to get there

Or this guy.
added on the 2020-01-22 18:45:30 by LiSU^TRS LiSU^TRS
Please show Amiga demos live from hardware this time.
Otherwise I wouldn't really know why to hand it a release...
Is it possible?
added on the 2020-01-23 15:05:09 by bifat bifat
wtf is wrong with you, you enjoy delays in the composchedule caused by ancient hardware crapping out or smth?
added on the 2020-01-23 15:25:27 by havoc havoc
Yes, I do. I'm delaying compo schedules myself to allow for an optimum live presentation.

Was this the answer to the question?
added on the 2020-01-23 15:39:06 by bifat bifat
was that a question?
added on the 2020-01-23 15:48:59 by havoc havoc
I'll repeat the question, just for you, because it's an important one:

Please show Amiga demos live from hardware this time.
Is it possible?
added on the 2020-01-23 15:51:03 by bifat bifat
added on the 2020-01-23 15:57:05 by havoc havoc
It's possible, and we won't do it. Last time we (as in a German easter party) showed Amiga demos live was 2002, and that was when the compo Amiga started catching fire mid-compo resulting in quite a delay and the owner of the machine (three drunk af Madwizards) tried to beat us up while calling us Nazis.

I think knowing that the hardware was playing the demo a few hours ago instead of right now is the lesser evil.
added on the 2020-01-23 16:03:47 by kb_ kb_
@kb_: Sorry to hear what happened in 2002!
Ok, thanks for the info :-)
added on the 2020-01-23 16:16:11 by bifat bifat
Please show music compos without pre recording
added on the 2020-01-23 16:58:13 by jeenio jeenio
Please show music compos while still composing
added on the 2020-01-23 17:56:57 by SiR SiR
