

category: general [glöplog]
If I wanted to capture a pc-demo which tools are recommendable?
added on the 2016-02-10 16:08:11 by gaspode gaspode
Thanks. Will try it.
added on the 2016-02-10 18:30:25 by gaspode gaspode
I've used bandicam successfully. Kkapture can do "perfect" captures (when it works), though.
added on the 2016-02-11 10:04:05 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
Win10 also has some neat built-in recording features.
added on the 2016-02-11 14:15:42 by Gargaj Gargaj
There are also hardware H.264 capture boxes for HDMI output (from Hauppauge, elgato, Renkforce, Typhoon).
added on the 2016-02-11 23:20:11 by Salinga Salinga
added on the 2016-02-11 23:24:38 by visy visy
yeah, Fraps is great when kkapture can't cut it. e.g. captured canvas and webgl stuff with it :)
added on the 2016-02-12 12:35:02 by el mal el mal
