something nice
category: general [glöplog]
yes this thread is nice!
yes, no flamewars just pure love.....
I hate you all :[ <-party pooper =D
*luv* ;P

... Love ...


ah ouais la 2eme jla kiffe bien

Wow, you people must be REALY bored :)
Nice chicks.
Especially the ones with sexy Future Crew t-shirts!
Especially the ones with sexy Future Crew t-shirts!

Watch da beard...
Help this guy, send him razor blades (what for ?!)
Help this guy, send him razor blades (what for ?!)

post some more chicks! damnit :)
I thought that was!
Man, I need new glasses...
Man, I need new glasses...

Those aren't just any chicks wearing those FC T-shirts. Among them are Trug, Wildfire, Gore, and PSI, I believe :)
well. they are legends not chicks. :p