TRSAC 2015 - 16th - 18th October - Aarhus, Denmark
category: parties [glöplog]
COME TO TRSAC 2015, 16th - 18th of October in Aarhus, Denmark will be updated with more info as soon as we have more stuff available.
Check out our Facebook event page until the webpage is updated.
Same location, same st(r)aff!
And now - please continue ;) will be updated with more info as soon as we have more stuff available.
Check out our Facebook event page until the webpage is updated.
Same location, same st(r)aff!
I, tFt, hereby request the 2015 TRSAC tread before you managed to open it. so HAH!
Also this:
And now - please continue ;)
now I feel like

Any ideas for the new party t-shirt yet?
the *new* shirt?
Yep, count me in.
H0ffMAN: 3-2-1 break it down like THIS
@Saga.. so far we're still going with this design:

That's awesome but I think there's some room for improvement!
We will put actual flames on the shoulders, so we need something really amazing to top it
This year, instead of the 5k run, there will be a colletive 5k drifting compo in this:

TRSAC will feature a huge, inflatable duck outside the partyplace. we won't tether it, so the danish autumn weather will make sure to relocate it to somewhere entirely different. the 5k run will then be replaced by a duckhunt for the said duck.

bstrr: that's the kind of thing that could actually persuade me to participate. Mainly because it sounds silly whereas running 5km sounds boring.
bstrr: that's the kind of thing that could actually persuade me to participate. Mainly because it sounds silly whereas running 5km sounds boring.
You know what also sounds boring? Sitting down and drinking water mixed with CH3-CH2-CH2-OH.
But it isn't, because it makes you feel good and your friends are there.
I shall be there....but The Farfars somehow freak me out.
curt_cool: running isn't supposed to be funny, it's supposed to be a STRAF

Revival, if you put chemical formulas into a sentence, it's bound to sound boring ... There's probably a reason why chemical formulas are usually not used in commercials. And ... I thought the schnapps was the STRAF ?

TRSAC 2015 is gonna be like:

50 shades of green and the L'OREAL man \o/