
type : platform :
type prodname platform group release party release date added rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
64k Windows fr-083: What is time Farbrausch 5th at Revision 2016 march 2016 march 2016 37 20 6 0.49
64k Windows fr-082: The Sphere Farbrausch 2nd at Under Construction 2015 december 2015 december 2015 37 15 5 0.56
4k Windows fr-minus-020: Compofilla Farbrausch 4th at Evoke 2015 august 2015 august 2015 7 2 0 0.78
64k Windows fr-097: Digital Doomsday Farbrausch 2nd at Evoke 2015 august 2015 august 2015 36 12 1 0.71
64k Windows fr-078: Sweet night dreams Farbrausch 4th at Revision 2015 april 2015 april 2015 48 22 6 0.55
64k Windows fr-076: The four elements Farbrausch 4th at Evoke 2014 august 2014 august 2014 25 6 4 0.60
demo Windows fr-070: Trained Farbrausch 3rd at Assembly 2014 august 2014 august 2014 88 25 3 0.73
8k Windows fr-067: Outer worlds Farbrausch 5th at Revision 2014 april 2014 april 2014 15 6 2 0.57
64k Windows fr-minus-018: Draislyetherper Farbrausch 1st at the Ultimate Meeting 2013 december 2013 december 2013 20 8 4 0.50
64k Windows fr-minus-017: coderpr0n
Farbrausch 3rd at Evoke 2013 august 2013 august 2013 51 11 7 0.64
invitation Windows fr-050: Main Invitation 2012 Farbrausch :: Rebels august 2012 august 2012 66 12 2 0.80
64k Windows fr-minus-016: Oh, there was no executable music compo Farbrausch 3rd at Evoke 2012 august 2012 august 2012 14 7 5 0.35
demotool Windows werkkzeug4 Farbrausch april 2012 february 2022 5 0 0 1.00
game Windows Android Scenemon Farbrausch :: Rebels 1st at Revision 2012 april 2012 april 2012 16 12 0 0.57
demo Windows fr-075: passing on Farbrausch 6th at the Ultimate Meeting 2011 december 2011 december 2011 75 30 5 0.64
80k invitation Windows fr-minus-015: devmania desert Farbrausch october 2011 october 2011 11 10 6 0.19
invitation Wild fr-073 devmania 2011 webgl experiment Farbrausch :: Rebels october 2011 october 2011 12 12 0 0.50
4k Windows fr-071: sunr4y Farbrausch 1st at Sunrise 2011 september 2011 september 2011 84 12 2 0.84
demo Windows fr-069: Booombox Farbrausch :: Rebels 1st at Buenzli 2011 august 2011 august 2011 98 24 29 0.46
4k Windows fr-minus-014: quick space thing Farbrausch 7th at Evoke 2011 august 2011 august 2011 6 24 1 0.16
demotool Windows CompoView Farbrausch n/a at Revision 2011 april 2011 may 2011 24 1 0 0.96
demo Windows fr-081: .frOzen Farbrausch :: Rebels 3rd at Revision 2011 april 2011 april 2011 56 47 34 0.16
64k Windows fr-080: Strobo-plus-32767: pacemaker Farbrausch :: Stroboholics 3rd at Revision 2011 april 2011 april 2011 55 25 12 0.47
game Linux Windows Mobile Phone FoembJump Farbrausch :: Neuro 3rd at the Ultimate Meeting 2010 december 2010 december 2010 20 14 1 0.54
demo Windows fr-063: Magellan
Farbrausch 1st at the Ultimate Meeting 2010 december 2010 december 2010 278 25 2 0.90