
Lehel HB 160 by Tesco Gazdaságos Demócsapat [web]

by TGD
released at qbparty 2024

code: jimmi
modeling: derhase
music: necropolo

We make about 17% of cycles count.

Since I take pride in avoiding commercial 3D engines and coding everything up myself as if I knew how to do any of this properly, the code of this demo largely sucks. The looks definitely don't justify the amount of GPU it gobbles up. Sorry about that. Made on a GTX 1080, which should be okayish at 1080p. 8G video ram is probably not a bad idea either since I allocate buffers like there's no tomorrow.

The demo runs at native resolution. Please set it to 1080p since my shaders suck, too, and the looks depend on screen resolution. Well, sorry again.

You might righfully ask why I take pride in coding engines myself if the result looks like this, but you won't get a meaningful answer besides I'm human and my brain is strangely tickled by nonsense. Others collect teapots.

Source on Github: https://github.com/aedm/bitang

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