
Evoke Hauptmeister by The Solaris Agency [web]

+ Description :--------------------------------------------------------+

Entry Title..: Evoke Hauptmeister
Type.........: Action
Party........: Evoke 2024
Group........: T.S.A - ( The Solaris Agency )
Plattform....: PC

Coding.......: Epyx^TSA_^TRISTAR_^DEVLAB 
Graphics.....: Epyx^TSA_^TRISTAR_^DEVLAB 
Music........: Skyrunner^BC_^TSA

Unit-Tests...: Core^TSA , Skyrunner^TSA , Snowman^TSA

+ Evoke 2024 :---------------------------------------------------------+

       _____             _       _        _______ _____         
      |  __ \           | |     | |      (__   __/ ____)  /\    
      | |  | | _____   _| | __ _| |__ ______| | | (___   /  \   
      | |  | |/ _ \ \ / | |/ _` | '_ |______| |  \___ \ / /\ \  
      | |__| |  __/\ V /| | (_| | |_) |     | | _____) /_____ \ 
      |_____/ \___| \_/ |_|\__,_|_.__/      |_|(______/_/    \_\

+:::Greetings to :::---------------------------------------------------+

All of Abyss Connection ( Hello TMA , Mr-Curly ) , 
Mercury-Labs ( Moin Las ) TRSi ( Prost Hamster, Coolcat, Hardy, Spotter, 
Street Tuff, Spider Jerusalem and and and. , Paradox , Quartex, Unit-A , 
The-Silents, Megaforce, Fairlight ,so so many others, 
Dev-Lab ( Don-Zabelino ) , Netacs,  the NETwork maniACS , Radwar, 
Inner Light Circle , Axis Cascade ( Shaka Fulgore ) , Roly , 
TRISTAR founders ( Frankie, CCO, Terminator, Delaware and Flynn )
Core, Daxx, Quickyman, XP, Rehtsel, Cori, Timelord, SaphirJD, Dimi
and our friend : Patrick aka Axis^Cascade^TSA - You wont be forgotten !

See you in another Production of TSA, in one of our Retro Projects or
at least in our Development Center DevLab.NRW