
Some years ago by ark

Some years ago	- by ark


Code by noglin
Graphics by Akemi and Zag
Music by Estrayk
Remix by Khrome

For Assembly 2024 oldskool competition.

This is for Performa Macintosh 5200 at 75 MHz.

This is the first demo to use the Valkyrie chip for upscaling 320x240,
well I shared the trick so one more demo was released using it too, but
this demo had it first :)

Performa 52XX/62XX all have this same chip and so does 53XX/63XX (100 MHz)
On all others, the upscaling is done in software and so will be slower.

It is the first demo to do per pixel lighting on perspective texture
mapped in 320x200 on this platform. I would say nothing comes even
close, no demo nor any game for this machine.

The music is not tracker based, I wrote an encoder/decoder to take
down the wav size.

Very thankful to my family, especially my wife for supporting this 
hobby and also for letting me use one of her illustrations and provide
help with the design. 

And to Zag for saving me last minute with textures, and to Estrayk and
Khrome for letting me use this awesome track.

And also to Blackis and inversion for making another demo for this
platform :)