Zapper by Dual Crew Shining [web]
______. _____ _______ /_ __/_ | __/_ \ / /_ D U A L CR EW / / |/ /____/.\____. \ SH IN I N G _ / / / / : \| \ _ __\\\\__________\ _________.___________/ -----------------------------------\---------:------------------------------- one group to rule them all ==/\========================================================================= /\\//\ \//\\/ file: :// \; date: November 30th, 2002 |\ /. system: GBA /\\//\ \//\\/ title: Zapper :.\/: company: Infogrames |/\ genre: Arcade :\/ country: USA : size: 32Mbit supplier: Bilbo Baggins o__ °\- - - - - - -[Release notes]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Well what the heck is this?" you may wonder? It seems like there are a few things on this lousy planet that just won't die- seems to apply for us aswell- so here we go again with a gba title for your pleasure. Hope you enjoy it.. -Team DCS o__ °\- - - - - - -[Greetings]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Eurasia Menace Mode7 Oldskool Paradox Quartex Resistance RSiSO Venom o__ /\: °\- - - - - - -[Contact]- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \/| :/\.: DCS is looking for suppliers and coders for /\\//\ quality console releases. \//\\/ .// \: efnet #dcsconsole ;\ /. /\\//\ \//\\/ =[DCS/OUT]===============================================================\/==
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