
trsacid by The Planet Of Leather Moomins [web] & FXM & The Practitioners of Lua Megademos

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	The Planet of Leather Moomins
		in strict collaboration with
	The Practioners of Lua Megademos
		and under tight underpants supervision by
	The Magnificent International Association Of Extremely Retarded Idiots Corp. GmbH ry Interactive Studios
	"trsacid", a TIC-80 intro for TRSAC 2023,
	an official FXM remixed remix demoscene production best consumed in endless loop mode under the influence of everything.
	Photosensitivity warning, may contain all the flashing colors available under the limited TIC80 palette.

	Concept and code by ps. Recycled audio engine by Luchak. Recycled pixelart duck by Bossman. Recycled tunnel effect by pestis.
	Recycled TRSAC banner art by random TRSAC organizer with stellar graphic design skills, probably Dwarf or Farfar?

	Greetings to Danish Underpants Brigade only! Fuckings to TBC+Loonies!


	How to run:
	Step 1) Download latest TIC80 from tic80.com
	Step 2) Launch it!
	Step 3) Drag pata.tic onto that window, watch in amazement as the console prompt notifies you the cart has been loaded
	Step 4) Type "run" without the quotation marks
	Step 5) Press enter
	Step 6) Press F11 for fullscreen mode
	Step 7) Maybe press F6 if you want to pretend you are living in the 90s, it turns on some fake scanlines
	Step 8) Leave running forever!
	Step 9) ???
	Step 10) PANTS OFF!!!