
OVeRclocked Remix by Overlanders [web]

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 /   |   \   Y   // __ \|       _// ___\|  |  /  _ \_/ ___\|  |/ // __ \ / __ | 
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        \/            \/       \/     \/                 \/     \/    \/     \/ 
                       _______   ____   _____ |__|__  ___                       
                       \_  __ \_/ __ \ /     \|  \  \/  /                       
                        |  | \/\  ___/|  Y Y  \  |>    <                        
                        |__|    \___  >__|_|  /__/__/\_ \                       
                                    \/      \/         \/                       

                      An Overlanders / The Union production

"Fasten your seat belts and make sure your bass and treble faders are maxYMised,
there will be no oxygen masks provided in case of cabin depressurization. It's
time to Pump Up the Volume." (Jess - 19/06/2023)


Released at: Sommarhack 2023
Release date: 08/07/2023

. Musics composer: Jess/OVR
. Artwork: Mic/Dune
. Code producers: RATI/OVR & Janek/OVR

. Up/Down arrows: navigate between the tunes
. R: toggle 'repeat/not repeat' the current playing tune

Hardware requirements:
. System: Atari ST or STe
. RAM: 512 KB


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