eXtreamQR256 by Extream
256b moving QR code by Emphii / eXtream, 11.-13.11.2022 Quickly put together 256 bytes entry to Silly Venture 2022 Winter Edition, held 8.-11.12. in Gdansk, Poland. This intro runs on regular Atari Falcon 030/16Mhz/RGB|TV, no VGA this time, sorry about that. I recommend to turn power off and on after watching this intro. Snowy winter greetings goes to * rest of the eXtream members, Silly Venture visitors (local/remote) * Instanssi orgs & ppl, Assembly orgs & ppl, Atari scene ppl generally * and Viitasaaren Digikeskus - https://extreamdemoscene.org - Yours, Emphii / eXtream
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