Back to the PET - a Commodore PET 4032 demo by shiru8bit (party version) Requirements are a regular PET 4032 with 32K RAM and CB2 sound, NTSC model. The demo will run on a PAL machine, just 17% slower (complete with music) due to the 50 Hz frame rate. The demo is a single load program, i.e. the whole demo is located in a single file, it does not use any extra loads. I.e. it is can actually fall into the 32K intro category, yet it is a full length demo. back2pet.prg is the loadable file. It can be loaded to the PET via any of the standard means, a tape storage, or a disk drive. This demo wouldn't be possible without loads of great free or budget software. Thanks to the authors of all these handy tools! Audacity Blender CA65 GIMP GraphicsGale HxD MAME MNG2AVI NotePad++ PETSCII (screen editor) Reaper SDL2 VirtualDub Visual Studio 2017 Wavosaur WinVICE vstspeek zx02 packer I also used some of my own public tools, besides a few custom made for this project specifically: 1tracker BeepFX NES Screen Tool PETCB2 Mail: Web: Support:
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