
Bismuth by Team210 [web]

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                :: Bismuth ::
                 by Team210

                  :: Size ::  
         Final file size: 4091 bytes.

              :: Instructions ::
                   Run exe.

                :: The Krew ::
                 bod - music
              NR4 - code, graphics

               :: last words ::

          We announce our newest member:
               -----> bod!
              Welcome to the horde.


            5 bytes to spare. Go buy 
          something neat, like... shiney
               NVidia hardware... 

      Once you offend, you cannot stop.


  No 3rd party (CC0 or other) material was used
                in this prod.
            This craft is not about
             ripping shit, even
          if you're legally allowed

               :: Greetings ::

                * Alcatraz
                * Mercury
                * The Electronic Knights
                * Never
                * Farbrausch
                * Abyss-Connection
                * Titan
                * Vacuum
                * Schnappsgirls
                * Kewlers
                * K2
                * Dekadence
                * Genesis Project
                * Jumalauta
                * Wursthupe
                * Die Wissenden
                * AttentionWhore
                * Accession
                * Neurocorp
                * TRBL
                * Spacepigs
                * Turboanalisis
                * Abyss


            Also know how to enhance
              your sphere tracing.
      Mercury know how you should do it.

                I can not die.

         CU @ any party that is held in
         person 2022. I hope it is the
          --------> Christmas Party !