
ZygyFem6 by Extream

ZZZZZ             FFFFF            6666
   Z  y y ggg y y F     ee  mm mm 6   
  Z   y y g g y y FFF  e  e m m m 6666
 Z     yy ggg  yy F    eee  m   m 6   6
ZZZZZ   y   g   y F    e    m   m  666 
       y   gg  y        ee  m            13.-30.6.2022

Quickly put together 256 bytes entry to Sommarhack 2022, held 8.-10.7. in
Grådö, Dalarna, Sweden.

This intro runs on regular Atari Falcon 030/16Mhz/RGB|TV, no VGA this time,
sorry about that.

Intro consist resolution change, scrolling+fade out, 400 shading objects and wobbling
as desired extra feature as there is no vbl sync :D

HAtari seems to run this too quickly compared to real hw, so please prefer real hw.

Please, kindly turn off and on your computer when exiting. This intro
writes to system areas so plain reset will not give you a clean OS.
At least, you've been warned.

Sunny summer greetings goes to 
* rest of the eXtream members, Sommarhack visitors (local/remote)
* Instanssi orgs & ppl, Assembly orgs & ppl, Silly Venture orgs & ppl
* Atari scene ppl generally, Viitasaaren Digikeskus

Kisses goes to my wife & to our dog to let me sit down several evenings
(hours) to plan this.
                                                      Emphii / eXtream