
Bubble Shooter by Mad Team [web]

BubbleShooter for AtariXL/XE  v.1.0
(c) MadTeam POLAND
2020-2022 PAL version
NTSC in progress

Code: Paweł 'Pajero' Nowak
Gfx: Maciej 'Rocky' Hauke
Sfx: Michał 'Miker' Szpilowki
contact: pajero_atr@poczta.onet.pl

Altirra emulator min. version 4.xx
Version 4.0 does not emulate graphics from VBXE correctly.

Minimum requirements:
- stock computer (64kB RAM)
- floppy drive or Sio2SD
- color monitor LCD 

Optimum requirements:
- computer with additional memory +256kB RAM (no long reading, improved graphics)
- PBI device (IDE+ or AVGcart with cables)
- color monitor CRT (14-21")
- joystick

Recommended U1MB for full optimum.
Checked for extension VBXE.

- Joystick: select up/down, fire for actions
- Keyboard: console keys
- Joystick: left/right- sight rotation, up/down- swap bubble, fire to shoot
- keyboard: cursor left/right- sight rotation; up/down (or space)- swap bubble, logo to shoot
    Esc to exit

Exit game: shift+Reset

Video, help:
#1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLVDJBrJPuE
#2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLmiD7_FqO0 


Tested floppys:
1. Floppy disk drives
2. Sio2SD - ATR (also in turbo under QMEG)
3. Sio2PC - ATR under Aspeqt (Sio x3) or R5 (normal)
4. Side1/2/3 for U1MB (ATR mapped to drive)
5. AVGcart
    a) with cable SIO - ATR (normal or turbo: with ECI cable, patch for ROM with HSIO - index 0)
    b) with cable ECI - ATR (shift+Return as new device)
6. IDE+ 2.0
   a) on the partition with the AtariDOS filesystem copied files in one directory extracted from ATR
   b) interface loader, load ATR that is on any partition

Will not work with:
1. Side1/2/3 without U1MB
2. AVGcart without SIO / ECI cable
3. other cartridge 

Configuration of LCD monitors:
- brightness and contrast to low
- high level of backlight and colors

enjoy the fun...