
twiSTy by Cream [web]

twiSTy                          (c) 2021 by CREAM 
Hi there,

this is my  contribution for  the Sommarhack 2021
256 byte compo.

The file is 232 bytes long including  the 32 byte
file header.Well I'm no big fan of this excluding
the file header thing.

Imho a 256byter should be 256 long or shorter and
not 256+32... Anyway

I started  the 256 byter some  time ago but never
finished it.

Some days ago wietze wrote on irc:
<wietze> i kinda finished my  256b for sommarhack
<wietze> perhaps ill do another
<wietze> who.will competr with me?

I remembered my unfinished 256 byter well why not
to finished it? 

Basically it's a rewrite of my twister for vc 20.
Compared  to the vc20  version I added just added
some bitplane "motions blur"...

Btw. it does not do vsync and will surely run too
fast on non 8mhz machines... Anyway.

Btw2. the cursor on the upper left is no bug this
is design ;)

greetz ultra^Cream 2021
/|\              www.creamhq.de               /|\