Shiny Bubbles '91 by RezCo
Shiny Bubbles '91 - 1 Megabyte Required of RAM Required - STE or TT Recommended (C)1991 RezCo/NuEdge Designs Postcard Ware! If you like this demo send a nice postcard to us; especially if you live in outside the U.S.! Please send a post card to: -------------------------- RezCo/NuEdge Designs co/Noel Saw 1524 Steven Ave. Apt. B San Gabriel, CA. 91776 U.S.A. Credits: ------- 'Bubbles' (graphics generator) by: Phillip Burgess Player Code and Compilation by : Arvin Castillo Title/Credit/Logo screens by : Noel Saw Documentation by Arvin Castillo and Noel Saw > Intro ----- It's been several years since Shiny Bubbles, created by Xanth, has been out. It was great during its time, but our great 3D guru Phillip Burgess, of RezRender fame, decided to do a better one. He wrote a program, 'Bubbles' on his Mac IIcx that would generate each frame (each frame took over an hour on his 25mhz machine). I'm sure that you would agree that it looks good. Wait till you see our TT version with 256 colors (on hold until we get the TT)!!! This demo was originally for the STe only, but since I had a 1040ST, I made sure it worked with my little 'ol ST and would work on a 1meg machine. Of course, on the STe you get 16 beautiful grey scales, while the ST used 8 grey scales and some dithering, but it looks good! Now all that was left to do was draw some catchy title/logo/credit screen. Noel did a nice job if I do say so, but he wanted so many stuff on this demo that I had to slap him because it wouldn't fit on a 1meg machine and on a 800K disk. Nice job anyway. > Player ------ Nothing exciting about this player, but you can press F1-F10 to speed up and slow down the animation. You can also press F and B to go forwards and backwards in the animation. To quit the demo, *hold* down [CTRL]-Q. > NuEdge Plug ----------- Look for our shareware text viewer SText. This program is not only a very powerful text viewer, but also a picture viewer, a programmable shell, and more. Be sure to check it out. > Specifications -------------- Time to per frame : Approx. 1.5 hours Total # of frames : 20 frames Rays 'raytraced' : Approx. 1 million Total Graphics Data: Approx. 718 Kilobytes
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