Possibly Maybe by Talent
we we got T A L E N T got rhythm "Possibly Maybe" music d e n t r o Presented at DejaVu 2 in UK, 9th-11th of July '99 -.- Code by Subagazi (Andrzei Madajzyk) Music by Chromag (Timm Albers) Art and design by Boo (Ulf Dahl) Optic (Hans I. Johansen) -.- You may reach any of us at this email address: <ulf@dahl-design.com> NB! This dentro was put together in a hurry to reach the party deadline (as always), so the finished product is not quite as we had in mind, but hopefully it is somewhat satisfying and abit entertaining anyway..? [technical.info from subagazi] - "possibly maybe" dentro requires 320x200 65k lfb video mode with vesa 2.0+ to run properly. (however, it will run even though your graphics card does not support this mode. unfortunately, it will slow down the speed, because of internal conversions, etc.) so run at least UNIVBE.EXE first (which may be found on this url: http://www.scitechsoft.com) - this dentro was designed using celeron333 (no external cache), and will run (probably) with 16MB ram only. the dentro has several in-depth specialized intel p2 optimizations (especially in the 3d engine and plain renderers), so try to run it on 'genuine intel' processor if possible to gain best results. - the xm modules we used were big (far above 1MB), so please use soundblaster pro/16 (or even gus software mixing) (if it'll work that is... hey, pascal, tell me why it sometimes doesn't, huh?) if you have gus classic with 1mb onboard ram (as i do), on native gravis ultrasound driver you will loose abit cpu power, due to big sample sizes and many (16-20) channels were used. it probably doesn't affect gus pnp users with amd interwave onvoard (can someone see it?) oh, if you like, you can use 's'-hotkey during the show to catch screen-shoots (to arrange gallery or something similiar if you like:) this will be 24bpp .tga pictures in the demo directory. suba /talent no-more-tears next production on our assembly line is "pulp fusion" demo.
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