
Party at Spencer's by Fulcrum [web]

                                 .:- - - - -:.
                                 .: FULCRUM :.
                       : _____.:\|\_________/|/:.____ :
    _    ._      _  _._:_\   ___ '           '___   /_:_._  _      _.    _
          ...  . .....\| \\:.  .    . :: .    .   :// |/..... .  ...
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    \  __\fulcrum\ ___\|   \ ___\  \ ______\    \ ___\|sim1\ ___\2o14\ ____\
  _  \|:::::::::::\|  ':    \|  '   \|     '     \|   ::    \|::::::::\|   '
      '         ::::.:.:     '       '            '   :.:.::::         '
                     :         .p.r.e.s.e.n.t.s.        .
                     :                                  :
                     .                                  .
            . ..::::::    Party at Spencer's (final)    .           :::::::. .
       .. . .........:    --------------------------    :.......... . ..
        '            :                                  :    .        '
  ...................:                                  :.../_  /_............
                                                             /   /

                      Code:          Kneebiter, Seven
                      Music:         El Blanco

     * The demo is hardcoded to 1080p resolution, and needs around a AMD RX 480 or
       Nvidia 1060 to run most parts at 60 FPS.
     * Tested on Windows 7 and 10, might even run on Windows XP
     * around 13 MB diskspace

                                  .Thank You
           - Kaatje and the kids for giving me time to work on this release
           - Ctrl-Alt-Test for the procedural texturing article on their site
             with the sequential images of a wood-texture, on which we based
             our procedural wood material.
           - Photofunia.com for the retrowave theme and font inspiration.

                              .About the demo.
After winning the Demosplash 2017 modern demo compo last year with a 6K intro, we wanted to
participate again in this year's compo. Since there's no seperate intro category, we decided
to not try to make an intro. That way El Blanco wasn't limited to the usual 4Klang/Clinkster
choise, and Kneebiter could focus on writing effects and a framework. Given the realities of
work and families, none of us have as much time to spend on the scene as we would like.

The demo started as random effects that could be used either in an intro or a demo, some
inspired by powerplants. One of these was "rendering something with electric arcs". At some
point Kneebiter suggested making desktop toys like the Newtons cradle, the orbit toy and the
pin-art toy. Those fit quite well with the normal raymarching, so Seven worked on modelling
those with deistance fields. El Blanco made a retro-wave inspired soundtrack called
Convenience Store Party, which in turn inspired the demos title "Party at Spencer's" (For the
non-Americans: Spencer's is a novelty gift chain store). With that as the theme, we slowly
filled in the remaining effects in the week before the party. Cross-continent development
wasn't always easy (Seven lives in Europe, Kneebiter and El Blanco in the USA), and neither
was learning modern openGL from scratch, but by the time the Fulcrum delegation arrived at
the partyplace most effects were about just about done. The time before the deadline on
Friday midnight was spend tying up loose ends and adding polish, but unfortunately not all
improvements made it into the party version in time.

The modern demo compo was smaller than expected (only 3 entries, compared to 6 last year),
and it was deservedly won by Bedrock Bros amazing demo Holo Reality for the Looking Glass
holographic display (There can never be too much 2nd Reality ports in the world ;) ). We got
the 2nd place, which was nice, although more competition would be appreciated next year.
After some rest we put the left-out fixes into this final, we hope you like it.

                      .                                  .
                   .:._\  _\.............................:..
                    : \   \                              :
                   ::  '   \ Fulcrum memberstatus:       ::
                    :      ------------------------      :
                   :.   seven.....................code   .:
                    :   coplan...................music   :
                    :   el.blanco................music   : 
                    :   ranger.rick..............music   :
                    :   the.watcher.........code,music   :
                    :   yncke.................graphics   :     
                    :   miss.saigon..............music   :
                    :   kneebiter.................code   :     .
                     ::                                ::     /     .
  ....................::......... . . . . . ..........::...../_    /_.......
                     :                                  :     /     /
       .: . .........:          visit us at :           :..../..... . :.
                    .:         ---------------          :.  '
           ' ''::::::: . http://www.fulcrum-demo.org/ . :::::::' '
                  .  :       .          .             . :
                _/|__:     _/|___     _/|_____      _/|_:_
               _\ _   \_ __\_ ._/__ __\_.    /______\.__ /__        -
         _     \  |\    \\ ` .____/_\   .   ' .   \ ` \|    \ -    _
      _    -   _\ |_\    \\_  \|    \\  |\     \   \_  '     \_         _
                /____      /_  '     /____\     \___/____     /
                 demo\ ____\ \ ______\sim:1\ ____\tlp.ttn\  __\
                      \|    ::\|            \|  ::     .wt\|
                       '   .::.':.   DEMO   .: .::.        '
                                / - - - - - -\

                                    - - -

                       : use AMIGA TOPAZ fonts, please :
