Epakatseluvaline by tAAt [web]
------------------------------- tAAt 2000 ------------------------------- E P AE K A T S E L U V AE L I N E Quick CrappieDemo for LOBOTOMIA Demo Party at Lahti, Finland (20-22 Oct, 2000) Made in the partyplace since we decided that our first intended demo production would definitely need more time to spend on what we had. (Our english skills have no match). Requirements: FAST Micro$oft-infected PC (NT not enough) Good graphics card with DirectX 7.0 support DirectX 7.0a Soundcard The right attitude to /enjoy/ tAAt demos Remember to visit : http://taat.cjb.net This is the slightly fixed release version. Bundled with small amount of oldschool enjoyment. Batteries included but not usable. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,xxx, .xx, .,. .x««««««. ,«««««, .,. x«««;, .«««P~%«««. ,«««XX««, ,::««, .,««««;:, ,;«««P' .%«««, ,«««P;;X««p, ..,:::«««,... .xxx««««XXXXXXXXXXXX«««««xxxxx««««XXXXXXXXXXXXX««««xxxx«««XXXXXXXXXXXX«««xxxx. .x«««P::~~~~~~~~:X«««P;~~~""T««««""""""""""x««««~'`;;T««««P~~~~~~::;«««x. ««««;: .««««P;; ;««««" ,««««P `::X««««, ::;««« :««««;:: ,««««P;; ;««««. .««««P `::X««««, ::;«««x ~%«««;:. :««««P;; %««««. .««««P `::Xx«««; :;lXXxX. `"~ ~~~~'' `~"~ """" ~~~~~~ `~~~` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ email contact: tAAt@mail.com *) batteries not included in binary distribution of the demo
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