
blusher by bypass [web] & Black Maiden [web]

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	blusher   -  a 64k intro for geekcamp 2002                  

	3d		pandur
	music		marek vs. kaneel
	export code	supah
	intro code	warp
	thanks for support and discussion in no particular order fly to shiva, 
	muhmac, vudu, noize, Mark Kilgard, Cass Everitt, tomic, dhg, skp peepz,
	avenger and the rest of the bypass/blackmaiden posse..

	four different tunes were made for the intro. two by marek, another two
	by dhg.. (changing the overall concept sucks:) the last made it into the
	final release.

	you should run the show on some decent machine with at least gf2mx (the usual
	stuff you know..)
	_complete hugs
	aardbei ainc alienprophets black maiden blasphemy calodox cncd cocoon cryonics
	damage dcs digital underground dxm epidemic exceed excess fairlight farbrausch
	freestyle frogwize fudge funktion fuzzion halcyon haujobb headcrash inf kolor
	komplex loveboat lunix madwizards magic dreams mainloop mandarine mandula mass
	matrix mfx mindforce moppi noice neurotica efs orion park potion prone purple
	rebels replay scarab skp spinning kids suburban sunflower suspend syndrome tbl
	tdr threepixels threestate tpb tpolm t-rex vantage

	for any comments or questions feel free to contact me at warp@subphase.de


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.                      ascii by don rapello & dipswitch                       .